
Technique and practice of international rule-making: review of the materials of the ESIL International conference
Abashidze A.K., Gulyaeva E.E., Trikoz E.N.
Bargaining inequality: ways to overcome it in international commercial law and in private international law
Fonotova O.V., Belyaeva L.E.
XVI BLISCHENKO CONGRESS OVERVIEW Moscow, RUDN University, April 14, 2018
Aslan A.H., Denis G.A., Ekaterina K.E., Aleksandra K.V., Aleksandr S.M.
Struggles against international tax infringements in international tax law: methods and measures
Murzagaliev E.C.
International Olympic Committee and its regulations in the system of international law
Dzhantaev K.M.
The principle of formal equality in the system of principles of the law of international organizations
Dorskaya A.A.
Migration statistics’ significance for international law
Kiseleva E.V.
The contracts of NGO approved by the government of the country are fully legitimate norms of international law
Dzhantaev K.M.
Review of the 10th International scientific and practical conference. Scientific publication of the international level 2022: from the present to the future
Gronic I.A.
Issues of the shipowner's liability for damage caused by oil pollution from sea-going vessels
Aleksenko A.I., Kasatkina A.S.
Unprecedented law: protecting the Russian financial system against the impact of sanctions
Tsepova E.A.
Modern trends in the legal regulation of international trade as the institute of international economic law
Mamedov A.A.
The Impact of Epistemic Communities on the Development of Future International Legal Regulation of Lunar Activities
Chernykh I.A., Gugunskiy D.A., Solntsev A.M.
On the codification of international law
Ostroukhov N.V., Romashev Y.S.
Treaty capacity of international non-governmental organizations
Dzhantaev K.M.
The standards of the foreign defendants notification in the economic disputes resolution
Mokhova E.V., Butakova I.S.
«Positive direction» in international law XVIII-XIX centuries
Dorskaya A.A.
The International commercial arbitration court at the Russian Chamber of commerce and industry a method of settlement of trade and investment disputes
Kazachenok S.Y.
On the issue of the legal definition of the concept of «international terrorism»
Plotnikov А.V.
Peculiarities of legal protection of natural world heritage sites in Australia on the example of the Great Barrier Reef
Kolobov R.Y., Ditsevich Y.B.
The Content of the Future Legal Regulation of the Gas Relations between Russia, European Union and EU Member States
Volkov A.K.
IRENA and ITER as the regulating forces of international relationships in the sphere of alternative energy
Belotsky S.D.
For the discussion about the legality of the modern international law
Tarasova L.N.
International legal regulation of the circulation of dual-use biotechnologies
Abashidze A.K., Malichenko V.S.
The principle of peaceful settlement of disputes as a remedy of ensuring international security
Emelyanova N.N.
The recruitment and use of child soldiers as a serious violation of international humanitarian law
Mustafaeva M.M.
Genegis and science structure international finance law in Russia
Belov V.A.
Origin of rules of law choice: the primitive era
Get’man-Pavlova I.V.
The uniteral acts’ of states role on formation of international custom
Sunyaeva M.D.
International Responsibility of States and the Questions of Countermeasures
Mohsen Matour -.
Practice of international safety management of civil aircraft in law of the People's Republic of China
Liu Xin -.
To the question of the subjects of international criminal responsibility
Nakashidze B.D.
Analysis of resolutions and advisory opinions of International Court of Justice regarding the formation of norms of customary international law
Sunyaeva M.D.
History of formation and development of the extradition institute in the contemporary international law (by the example of the Russian Federation and the USA)
Plotnikov А.V.
Kopylova E.A.
Global health law: history and development prospects
Gnatik E.A., Dolzhenkova Y.V.
The law applicable to the declaration of independence of Kosovo: still a puzzling issue
Pietrobon A.
The international law system
Kislitsyna N.F.
International legal framework for the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space
Solntsev A.M.
International cooperation of Russia in the sphere of enerqy security
Chapchikov S.Y.
International legal regulation of foreign assistance
Degterev D.A.
On the virtual and actual right for being a subject of law
Ostrouhov N.V.
The history of formation and development of the international criminal law
Eliseev R.А.
International electoral standards: notion, form and significance for Russia
Egorov S.N.
Georgian-Ossetian conflict in August 2008 in the light of existing international rules
Kuznetsov M.N.
The need for a decision of the universal international convention in providing information security
Kvantaliani I.E.
UN activities in the development of international legal regulation of information relations
Zabara I.M.
Legal consequences for the state arising from the use of weapons against civil aircraft: review and legal framework development
Novikova T.V., Kuts S.O.
The issue of protection of human rights of older people on the agenda of the international community
Abashidze A.K., Koneva A.E.
International regulators-principles and economic globalization
Mamedov A.A.
Human Rights as an Essential Element of Contemporary International Community
Renato Zerbini Ribeiro Leão -.
Aspects of legitimacy of decisions of international courts
Tarasova L.N.
International legal problems of transnational corporations’ responsibility for human rights violation
Klunya A.Y.
INGO - subjects of international law: public or private?
Dzhantaev K.M.
Review of the textbook S.Y. Kashkin, A.O. Chetverikov «Fundamentals of Integration Law» (Moscow: Prospect, 2014. - 224 P.)
Belov V.A.
The formation and development civilistic foundations of international legal assistance in civil cases in soviet law
Grigorieva O.G.
Abramov N.S.
International commercial arbitration in China
Rusakova E.P.
On the international legal recognition of states
Ilyashevich M.V., Khakhina A.A.
Private international law: signs of crises or signs of growth
Kuznetsov M.N.
Formation of International Integration Law
Mamedov A.A.
Mamedov A.A., Batova V.N.
International legal assistance in civil cases in the soviet procedural law
Grigorieva O.G.
Establishment of the principle of universal jurisdiction and its implementation by bodies of international criminal justice
Lyamin N.M.
The International Security Law and Russia's National Interests Today
Chapchikov S.Y.
The institute of the counteraction of the legalization of criminal proceeds in the science and practice of the contemporary international jurisprudence
Vodyanov A.V.
Human stations on the Moon and the problem of liability
Zhukov G.P.
Notion and features of international framework
Korotkiy T.R.
International principles and standards for the protection of honor and dignity of participants in criminal proceedings
Burenina O.V.
Report on the participation in the Manfred Lachs space law moot court competition in 2010
Solntsev A.M., Koneva A.E., Govert E.A., Korshunov I.S.
Main Forms of Inter-State Cooperation in the Field of Migration
Kiseleva E.V.
Formation of Russian scientific international legal community in Berlin (20 years of XX century)
Starodubtsev G.S.
International legal cooperation in the management of the transboundary rivers: Zambezi river case
Solntsev A.M., Shumba Target -.
Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030): international legal dimension
Abashidze A.K., Solntsev A.M., Kiseleva E.V., Koneva A.E., Kruglov D.A.
He was the best among us. In memory of our friend and colleague - Vitaly Vasilyevich Bezbakh (1947-2021)
Kuznetsov M.N.
Trends of Development of the Modern International Justice
Orlova E.S.
Liberty of Discussion is Being Realized by United Nations and Some Member States
Abashidze A.K., Chernykh I.A.
The right to health in international law: history of formation
Belousova A.A.
Prospects and development trends international legal support sports labor relations in professional sports
Shevchenko O.A.
Harmonization of international private law in the states of MERCOSUR: history, present, trends
Sitkareva E.V.
Countering acts of misuse of civil aviation (international legal problems)
Luli R.
Legal system of the republican Spain
Alexeeva T.A.
About the exclusive right of russian citizens to participate in public events
Gagloev D.V.
Ensuring food security of indigenous peoples in Latin America by the UN food and agricultural organization (FAO)
Rakhman A.Z.
Skripchenko N.Y.
Territotial integrity of states and its guarantee: theoretical-legal and international-legal dimensions
Ostroukhov N.V.
Cooperation between European Union and Africa in the shpere of readmission
Kazhaeva O.S.
International legal organization of Russian Federation and neighboring countries national boundaries
Chapchikov S.Y.
To the question of ensuring protection of the state secret at the international cooperation
Galushkin A.A., Majstrovich E.V., Zhukovets A.S.
Conceptual aspects, which have influenced on the enshrinement of the right to health in international law
Belousova A.A.
Klishas A.A., Solntsev A.M.
Cultural rights as a category of the human rights system: international legal aspects
Volkova N.V.
International control and observance of Human Rights
Goltyaev A.O.
Kuznetsov M.N.
Some Peculiarities of Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses in International Investment Law
Rogozina A.A.
Environmental empact essessment procedure of the lake Vostok sampling as a tool of the Antarctic ecosistems protection
Kopylov S.M.
Study the principles and concepts of international environmental law
Kafaei Far M.A.
New in legal regulation of international air traffic between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China
Liu Xin -.
How the UN governing function in the field of environmental protection has been formed
Kopylov M.N., Kopylov S.M., Mohammad S.A.
International legal opposition to money laundering and the organised criminality in struggle against corruption
Kachelin M.S.
1 - 100 of 167 Items 1 2 > >> 

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