No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 17
- URL:
About correlation of administrative legislation and article of the administrative and legal adjusting of joint conduct of Russian Federation and subjects of Russian Federation
In the article the joint conduct of Russian Federation and subjects of Russian Federation is examined and probed as a system category. On the basis of analysis of scientific and theoretical positions, judicial practice of Constitutional Court of Russian Federation, practices of the administrative and legal adjusting formulated and grounded author classification of questions of constituents the article of joint conduct. An author is ground the isolation of administrative legislation, along with other industries of legislation in the independent group of relations within bounds of joint conduct of Russian Federation and its subjects.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):5-11

Legislative regulation of public listening on local level
The most considerable issues, related to the organizing and providing the public listening in the municipal formations are in this scientific work. The special attention is focused on the legal regulation of the public listening through the federal legislation and local normative-legal regulation in accordance with the Federal law «About the general principles of the local self-government organization in the Russian Federation» of October 6, 2003, num. 131-FL.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):12-21

The legal status of the Federal service of financial monitoring: present and perspectives
This article is devoted to the description of the legal status of the Federal service of financial monitoring. The article describes the structure and main functions of the Russian financial intelligence unit - Rosfinmonitoring. The author also makes comparison with foreign FIUs and propose some legislative and practical steps to improve the Russian AML/CFT environment.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):28-37

Law approach: problems of health protection in food producing process
The article deals with legal questions of realization of human rights of the individual to protect health in conditions of applying modern technologies in food producing. The problem of pesticides, genetically modified organisms and nanotechnologies usage in food production is under discussion.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):38-44

About Some Issues of Adversarial Approach in Sentencing Cases Hearings
While defining an adversarial approach as a fundamental principle in Russian legal proceedings, Russian Criminal Proceeding Code includes among other proceedings the sentencing cases hearing proceeding. In these procedures an adversarial approach is rather a case hearing method or a parties' attitude towards the procedure than a fundamental criminal proceedings principle.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):64-69

The analysis of legal resolutions of the Constitutional Court of Transdnistrian Moldavian Republic statusing of a head of publik administration of a village (settlement)
In this article the author examines peculiarities of a legal status of a head of public administration of a village (settlement) in Transdniester Moldavian Republic (TMR) in the light of the Constitutional Court adjudications. The author examines a problem of holding certain authorities of executive and representative power by a head of public administration of a village (settlement). Here is represented an analysis of adjudications, carried out by the Constitutional Court of TMR, which were an attempt of working out the problem, concerning holding two branches of authority by one official.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):77-82

On the virtual and actual right for being a subject of law
N.V. Ostrouhov in his article analyses a problem of great theoretical and practical significance: that of defining the role of the institute of recognizing new subjects of the international law. The author outlines his theoretical conclusions and correlates them with the current events. N.V. Ostrouhov focuses on the viewpoint that the scientists majoring in the field of the international law and the author himself have on obtaining the legal standing by the countries seeking independence and sovereignty. The author reveals a number of problems in the field of the international law connected with this issue.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):90-94

The international law system
The article provides an overview of the question concerning the development of international law system. Fundamental works of both modern scientists and representatives of 19-th century are analyzed. The article also touches upon the historical aspect. In order to understand the sense of the international law system first of all the structure of it is discussed. Elements of the international law system are examined in details.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):95-101

Evolutionary development of the European Union: the legal nature, the supranational, the sovereignty
The article deals with the analysis of the major international legal aspects related to the nature and functioning within the European Union legal mechanisms, together with their close connection with such issue as the sovereignty of the EU member states.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):102-109

Cooperation between the Council of Europe and the European Union in the Sphere of Ensuring Human Rights and Freedoms
Basic problems arising as a result of the detached development of control mechanisms and standards of law of the Council of Europe and the European Union in the filed of human rights which leads to the growing risk of creating double standards within the framework of the common European legal space are examined in the article.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):110-114

About the legal nature of the Euroasian Economic Community
In given clause the legal nature of the Eurasian economic Community, as regional economic association of the sovereign states is investigated. Features, problems, lacks of organizational-legal sphere within the limits of Community, and also questions which are necessary for solving in connection with functioning of the Eurasian economic community are considered.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):115-123

Peculiarities of European law terminology
The paper touches upon the subject of teaching law-students English for special purposes (ESP), in particular, terminology of European Law. Formation of conceptual legal system, unique in its nature, based on existing concepts of national and international law, as well as European Union's new specific ones, is stated in this paper. Teaching law-students make good use of adequate terminology of European Law in professional English-language communication is crucial for a present-day ESP-teacher.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(2):124-128