Trends of Development of the Modern International Justice
- Authors: Orlova E.S1
- Federal Agency for Fishery of the Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 249-268
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to tendencies of development of modern international law and the international justice authorities. Globalization of the modern world and the interaction of States at all levels: political, economic, commercial, educational, and others - determines the relevance of the article. The interaction leads to conflicts and disputes between States, between States, legal and physical persons, between legal and physical persons from different countries, they require resolution at the international level. The increase of number of international contacts is followed by the increase of conflicts between the parties and, respectively, the number of international judicial processes. International law and the international judicial bodies play a special role in solving the problems of the peaceful settlement of international conflicts. Certain trends characterize the current stage of development of international law. These are diversification and fragmentation resulting in the proliferation of international judicial bodies. Strengthening the rule of law in international relations is the main positive point of the main trends in international law. The sphere of international relations, which are not covered by international law, are reduced. The main negative aspect of modern tendencies in the field of international justice is: the possibility of multiple interpretations of international law, especially the regional courts, as well as increasing the risk of issuing conflicting, sometimes inconsistent, decisions of different international judicial bodies. The possibility of finding a forum shopping is a negative consequence as well. This creates a legal conflict, delays, problems with recognition of international judicial bodies, their jurisdiction, for failure to execute court decisions. This leads to a reduction of efficiency of activity of international courts in General. The main task of modern international law is to overcome or mitigate conflicts of jurisdictions of the various international judicial bodies, as well as to set the stable matches between international courts and the enforceability of their decisions. Studies of the leading Russian and foreign lawyers play an important role for overcoming contradictions in the sphere of international law and the activities of international judicial bodies. Scientists note in their works that the modern trends of development (diversification, fragmentation, proliferation, imperativity) is an objective phenomena, they are caused by the development of pluralism of the modern world.
About the authors
Ekaterina S Orlova
Federal Agency for Fishery of the Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Chief Specialist-Expert
12, Rozhdestvensky bulvar st., Moscow, Russia, 107006References
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