No 2 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 15
- URL:
The relationship between power and subordination in the customary law conceptions of Don Cossacks in the second part of the 19th century
The article «The relationship between power and subordination in the customary law conceptions of Don Cossacks in the second part of the 19th century». The article deals with the relationship among Don Cossacks, their stanitsa atamans and other officials of the territorial public autonomous bodies, as well as the responsibility of these people before stanitsa communities (gatherings), that is, ultima analysi, it deals with the customary law understanding of power by Don Cossacks in the second part of the 19th century.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):5-12

Development of the constitutional foundations of judicial power in sectoral legislation
The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of the judiciary in the sectoral legislation and the need to change it. The study is based on an analysis of scientific works of Russian authors, legislation and legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):13-21

State regulation in higher education
The questions of state regulation of higher education system, which is an objective necessity for the life of the population, and the state as a whole determines its universal, public, nature in all socio-economic formations. That is why the state can not be detached from the development of education and examines education, including higher education, a priority object of government, while linking the interests of both citizens and the state's economy overall, by adopting laws and other regulations in the field education state activities related to its various destinations.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):29-39

Regulation of reinsurance in the Russian Federation
The present article provides an analysis of the civil legislation in the Russian Federation, regulating reinsurance. The aim is to outline the theoretical and practical problems of the existing legal framework of reinsurance in the Russian Federation and to compare it with the acting regulation in a number of members-states of the European Union.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):48-56

Formation of juvenile justice in Russia
The article investigates the process of formation and development of juvenile justice in Russia. In particular, it carries out a comparative analysis of some aspects of juvenile justice, which are topical for the Russian Federation, and a comparative analysis of Anglo-Saxon and continental models of juvenile justice. The article notes the originality of the Russian model of juvenile legal proceeding and specificities of its organization at the stage of origin of this institute.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):57-68

Tenancy at sufferance in the system of possession relationships: the United States' experience
The article presents general characteristics of possession relationships - tenancy at sufferance in the American law. A special attention is paid to analysis of existing legislation which regulates possession of real property. This type of possession is close to the lease relationships in continental law countries. The present analysis is based on courts' practice relevant to disputes raised from the continuing of possession after termination of contract or other legal causes.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):69-78

The conception of Business Judgment Rule in the U.S. corporate law
This article provides a study on corporate governance in U.S. corporate law paying a special attention to the application of several legal rules in this field on which bases is it is regulated , in particular Business Judgment Rule («BJR»). «BJR» can be defined as a doctrine or a legal rule which presents a major valuation category in the U.S. corporation law being applied to board of directors' business decisions bounding their fiduciary duties. It defends directors from the personal liability which run out on the ground of their duties to manage the corporation. The question on directors' liability presents a very actual and interesting issue for the business world and the corporate law in particular, and due to these facts «BJR» renders a great interest for research and practical purposes.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):79-87

For the discussion about the legality of the modern international law
The article is dedicated to the problem of the deficiency of legality and legitimacy in modern international law. The author gives a definition of legality and legitimacy in a context of international law, reveals and analyses the elements of legality and legitimacy, considers the legal powers of the different subjects of international relations from the point of view of legality and legitimacy. The author expresses in the article his concerning on the lack of legality and legitimacy in modern international law as a whole and exactly in the activity of international organizations and institutions of global government.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):88-95

Commonwealth of Independent States countries economic cooperation development international legal aspects
The Article contemplates CIS countries economic cooperation development dynamics since foundation till present. The analysis is carried out and the characteristic is given to the basic international legal bills enacted in economic area by the Commonwealth of Independent States.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):96-106

International legal framework for the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space
Space activity contributes a lot to sustainable development of mankind, but also has a negative impact both on the Earth's biosphere and on near-Earth space. The use of nuclear energy is objectively necessary for the development of space activity, but on the other hand, it is a potential danger to the environment and mankind as a whole. In order to enhance the international space security UN General Assembly in 1992 adopted the Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space (Resolution 47/68). Unfortunately this document didn't cover all questions. In the current research we examine recent international legal instruments related to space nuclear security: «Framework for the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space» (2009).
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):107-114

Impact of national air law on improvement of international legal regime of airspace
A review of basic methods of application of national Air Law to improve international legal regulation of sovereign and international airspaces used for different types of activities. Possibilities for application of Russian rulemaking practices in preparation of a future universal international agreement to establish the legal regime of airspace.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):115-125

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(2):129-130