No 1 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 33
- URL:
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):7-7

The importance of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Russia in lawmaking activity
The article deals with an actual issue - the importance of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in rulemaking and lawmaking activities of our country. The analysis is based on the existing legal positions of the Court, which had a real impact on the development of the Russian constitutionalism. Acting as a negative lawmaker, the Constitutional Court of Russia leads the legislation of the country in accordance with the content and meaning of the Constitution of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):8-19

Administrative-legal status of Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation and Office to the President of the Republic of Armenia
Considered in the article of the administrative-legal status of Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation and Office to the President of the Republic of Armenia from the point of view of a place and a role of these organs in system of public administration
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):20-28

In the search of contemporary administrative law essence: on the formation of the modern concept of administrative law impact mechanism in Russia
The article gives reasons for revision of the dominating paradigm of the contemporary administrative law essence in Russia. Its theoretical interpretation derives from a broader sociological approach. The article brings forth a new theoretical approach to the essence of administrative law and to the essence of the mechanism of administrative law impact.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):37-44

Questions of maintenance of protection of human rights in arbitration legal proceedings
The rights and freedom of the person and the citizen are directly operating and are provided with justice. Legal proceedings problems in arbitration process are defined by the purposes of judicial activity proceeding from the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and the international obligations of our state.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):51-61

Electronic money: definition and functions
The article reflects the origin of the term «electronic money», as well as the main properties of electronic money; author's definition of electronic money is stated in the article. The author concludes that electronic money from economic and legal point of view could not be qualified as money in its common sense but they comply with certain functions of money.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):62-70

Legal basis for combating against the legalization of the vehicles searched through Interpol channels
The article is dedicated to the legal basis of the combating against the legalization of the vehicles stolen abroad and trafficked to the Russian Federation. The study is based on the analysis of legal and administrative procedures of the search of the stolen vehicles and vehicles' registration, as well as the detailed study of the legal grounds of the protection of the rights of foreign owners of the vehicles and its keepers in Russian Federation.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):71-86

Psychological maintenance resozialisation minors condemned in the educational centres with system use public influences
The inquiry about connection has increased in modern conditions of reforming of criminally-executive system of Russia at creation of new type of establishments for minors condemned - the educational centres with progressive system of execution of punishments - to them resozialisation activity of institutes of a civil society. Thereupon in article on the basis of the author's concept of the subject-participating approach to correction of the condemned realisation possibility in work with them of the programmno-target approach on the basis of system of public influences is shown. Besides, reference points on optimisation of the criminal and criminally-executive legislation, departmental standard legal base, and also a control system in the educational centres are proved.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):87-94

Political system of England from XVI century till the first decade of XVII century: transition to the modern state
The article is devoted to the problems of political system modernization in England from XVI century till the first decade of XVII century. The author observes the concept of the state in political ideology and English law, the king as political institute and transformation from a personal monarchy to an institutional monarchy.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):95-108

Social state and constitutionally-legal regulating usage of mineral resources in some countries of Africa
The subject of this article is actual problems of social state and constitutionally-legal regulating usage of mineral resources in some countries of the African continent that play the greater role in the economy of the region and are highly appreciable at the world source market. In this sense the most actual is the experience of such countries as Nigeria, Angola and Kenya.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):125-131

Legal system of community and its harmonization in the European Union
The material is devoted the analysis of the reasons of occurrence of legal system of the European Community and its subsequent adaptation in the European Union. The basic attention is given to research of system of sources of the right of EU. Efficiency of modern integration process depends on unification of legal system of the European Union. As integration in the long term will lead to involving in this process more and more spheres of public life of EU member states.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):132-141

On public administration in natural resources management and environmental protection abroad
Considered in the article organization of the state management and protection of the environment at the ministerial and departmental levels, as well as the decentralized bodies of the public administration on the example of France, Germany, Canada and the US.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):142-149

Problem of the consent in legal regulation of expection of human organs and tissue for transplantation
The article investigates the features of legal problem of the consent in the legal regulation of expection of human organs and tissue for transplantation with the consent or in the absence of such a potential donor in the face of a deceased person in Russia, France, Germany, Switzerland, Argentina and Spain.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):150-155

The history of legislative regulation of marriage institution in law of Spain
The article is dedicated to the issues of legislative regulation of the institution of marriage in Spain in its historical perspective. The research is based on the analysis of original materials of Spanish authors on issues of development of family-matrimonial relations with a view of democratic changes of the last 100 years, Constitution of Spain, Civil Code of Spain, as well as laws on family legislation reforms of the latest decade.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):169-176

Lisbon treaty (reform treaty) and the problem of structure of European Union
The article is devoted to Lisbon Treaty (Reform Treaty). After all the European Union is an integration community which, certainly, assumes that its participants and founders are the sovereign states. In the article on an example of the analysis of Lisbon Treaty law's questions of structure of European Union.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):201-207

Analysis of resolutions and advisory opinions of International Court of Justice regarding the formation of norms of customary international law
The article presents a detailed analysis of the resolutions and advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice regarding the formation of the norms of customary international law. The author focuses on the study of the elements of custom and demonstration of their role in the formation of the norms of customary international law.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):216-225

Interdisciplinary approach to teaching language for specific purposes
The article considers the use of the interdisciplinary approach to teaching foreign languages for specific purposes. The programme on forensic linguistics for law students embraces linguistic theories and practice in legal sphere, develops linguistic and professional communicative competences and encourages students in acquiring linguistic and professional knowledge.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):226-229

«African studies» of Department of International Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and Х School for young Russian Africanists «Africa in the Global World: Past, Present and Future»
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):230-231

Scientific events of the PFUR Faculty of Law (November 2011 - January 2012)
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):232-239

International legal aspects concerning viza-free zone between the Russian Federation and European Union
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):240-243

Constitutional right to sport on the basis of healthy life-style values (review on the monograph of R.D. Grebnev «Constitutional right to sport» (M., 2012))
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):244-245

The review of Е.A. Lutyagina's monography «Regulation of nature use and environment protection. Comparative legal study»
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):246-248

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Law. 2012;(1):249-251