Ensuring food security of indigenous peoples in Latin America by the UN food and agricultural organization (FAO)
- Authors: Rakhman A.Z.1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2021)
- Pages: 855-871
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/law/article/view/29514
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2337-2021-25-4-855-871
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The activities of the United Nations in the 21st century, as in the earlier period, are undoubtedly devoted to protection and promotion of human rights. It promotes the realization of fundamental human rights through specialized agencies in various fields taking in account concerns and needs of vulnerable groups of population, in particular indigenous peoples. The World Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), in its turn, develops policies and implements strategies and programs to guarantee food security and the right to food to aboriginal people around the world, including in Latin America.
About the authors
Anita Z. Rakhman
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Author for correspondence.
Email: anita.rahman@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0650-3103
Post-graduate student of the the department of International Law, Law Institute
6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationReferences
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