No 1 (2011)

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Problems in comparative jurisprudence. Definitions of government service in Russia and public service in anglo-saxon countries

Milovidov O.D.


This article includes the definitions of Public service and Government service in the context of their legal usage in Russia and Anglo-Saxon countries. This article contains a legal-historical review of the dynamics of those definitions, including the changes in the number of employee categories, which are legally considered government, or public servants, and the process of origination of those definitions.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):5-17
pages 5-17 views 551

Legal integration in corporate regulation: content, problems and prospects

Inshakova A.O.


The process of globalization of the world economy on the one hand, and the growth of regional, economic interstate integration associations on the other, as two fundamental trends in modern economic growth determine the author's investigation of international unified legal framework for business and implementation of deregulation in the economy while ensuring global liberalization of factors of production (goods, services, capital, labor force). The author analyses the process of formation of legal units in the field of corporate relations and corporate governance through regulations developed within the framework of international interstate associations.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):18-41
pages 18-41 views 764

The prosecutor's activity in sentencing cases hearings

Voronin О.V.


A prosecutor pursues the law providing activity in sentencing cases hearings. Here he acts as a judge assistant providing legal and reasoned sentencing. Along with a court the prosecutor operates more as a legal perception agent than evidence proving one.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):42-48
pages 42-48 views 575

Impact of German legal culture on other legal cultures in modern time

Goryacheva M.V.


The article is given over to analyzing of German legal cultures in modern time, of its development's historical specifics and of impact of other legal cultures including Japan's.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):49-57
pages 49-57 views 763

Place of judiciary in separation of powers in Russia, CIS, European Union: a comparative legal analysis

Yaroshenko N.I.


The article is dedicated to the principle of division of powers and a special place of the judiciary. The study is based on an analysis of scientific works of Russian authors, the Constitution of Russia, CIS countries and the European Union, as well as the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):58-68
pages 58-68 views 720

Legal questions of e-money regulation in EU

Ranchinskiy K.L.


The present article is dedicated to the problem of electronic money legal status, legal definition of electronic money and status of electronic money institutions are analyzed. The analysis is made on the base of the research of Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council which are considered to be an effective instrument of harmonization of member states legislation.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):69-77
pages 69-77 views 583

Constitutionally-legal regulating usage of mineral resources in Russian Federation, some countries of Europe and USA

Filatov V.К.


The subject of this article is comparative analysis, that doesn't have exhausting character, of regulating usage of mineral resources in Russian Federation, some countries of Europe and USA; the appropriate features of usage of mineral resources are also researched; experience actual for Russia is revealed.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):78-89
pages 78-89 views 854

State regulation of use of natural resources and the environment defense in France

Volkov А.М., Lyutyagina E.А.


In article the analysis of the French administrative legislation in the field of use of natural resources and the environment defense and directions of perfection of the legislation of Russia are offered
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):90-98
pages 90-98 views

Comparative study of the legal status of public bodies monitoring and oversight of the media in Russia, the USA and Germany

Bogach K.O.


The summary: the article is devoted legal status and powers of media regulatory agencies in Russia, the USA and German. The author sequentially considers regulation of print media, radio and television broadcasting. He compares legal framework regulating media in the countries and analyzes existing mechanism of interaction of a government and mass media.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):99-107
pages 99-107 views

The main features and the intrinsic characteristics of systems of recognition of professional qualifications (professional titles) of lawyers in the European Union

Dyukina V.R.


The article provides an overview of systems of recognition of professional qualifications (professional titles) of lawyers, existing in the present period in the European Union, analyzes the basic features and essential characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):108-115
pages 108-115 views

Problems regulating procedural status of the secretary in the hearing according to CPC of the Russian Federation and countries - participants of the CIS

Volobuyeva E.A.


This article is a scientific research, which examines the problem of determining the procedural status of the court clerk, his place in the criminal - procedural relations. To this end, the rules governing the activities of such person's criminal - procedural legislation of the CIS were analyzed. The suggestions on the best solution to this problem in the Code of Criminal Procedure were stated. The conclusions and suggestions, contained in the paper, can be used to further improve the criminal procedure law, by making appropriate additions to the law, as well as to improve the effectiveness of the procedural activities of the Secretary.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):116-124
pages 116-124 views

Promise as a unilateral act of state, producing legal effect in international law

Ilyashevitch M.V.


Annotation of the content of article: The article raises the problem of the legal content of a unilateral promise in international law. It examines the concept of qualification of a unilateral promise as legally binding for the author State, the action in time of such acts, presents an analysis of judicial practice and doctrine of international law on this subject. Special attention is paid to the role of unilateral promises of states in international law.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):125-134
pages 125-134 views

International Olympic Committee and its regulations in the system of international law

Dzhantaev K.M.


On the basis of the analysis of some documents of international and national legislation relating to the international Olympic movement, the author comes to conclusion that the International Olympic Committee is a subject of the international sports law (a branch of the general international law) and its decisions based on the provisions of the Olympic charter - international documents sui generis - are obligatory for subjects of international law, including states, and are strictly observed by them.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):135-146
pages 135-146 views

Committee of Ministers' of the Council of Europe practice, concerning the execution of the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights in part of just satisfaction payment

Mayboroda E.P.


The consideration of the Committee of Ministers' of the Council of Europe practice, concerning the execution of the judgements of the European Court of human rights in part of just satisfaction payment. The definition of main problem questions which the respondent states face more often in a process of the execution of the judgements of the European Court of human rights. The solutions of the outlined range of questions.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):147-155
pages 147-155 views

Права женщин на защиту от различных форм дискриминации

Zakoldaeva E.V.


This article examines international legal problems concerning the struggle against various forms of discrimination against women. International standards for the eradication of such violations of women's rights are formulated primarily in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1976 and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 1979.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):156-163
pages 156-163 views

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RUDN Journal of Law. 2011;(1):164-165
pages 164-165 views