
The oath at the adoption of the Russian allegiance / citizenship: traditions and novelties
Pochekaev R.Y., Tarasov N.V.
Continuity of ideas of the Labor Code of the RSFSR of 1922 by Soviet and post-Soviet labor legislation
Lepyoshin D.A.
Place where neonaticide was committed as a feature of the objective side of the crime
Abdulvaliev A.F., Morozov V.I., Losev S.G.
The industrial policy of the Russian Federation: the legal principles and mechanisms to support businesses
Inshakova A.O.
Ecological culture of Russian citizens: constitutional consolidation and regulatory support of its formation practice
Kodaneva S.I.
Delegated rulemaking by the Central Election Commission of Russia
Lopatin A.I., Malkarov A.I.
Independence of local self-government in conditions of unified public authority system formation
Babaeva Y.G.
Forms of legal regulatory framework in the labor law of Russia
Dovgan X.E.
Impact of the state tax and legal policy on the development of the institution of tax liability in the conditions of digitalization
Lyutova O.I.
Proof and proving: legislative technique of criminal procedure laws of the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation
Vereshchagina A.V.
Bondarchuk I.V.
The legal profession in the system of measures for ensuring the right to the protection from criminal prosecution
Selina E.V., Yastrebov O.A.
Pankova O.V.
The mechanisms of ensuring of Russian national interests in the information sphere
Kunyaev N.N.
The second cassation in the arbitration proceedings: The genesis, results of the procedural activity and prospects for uniformity of judicial and arbitration practice
Nikitin S.V., Patsatsiya M.S.
The Question of Reforming of System of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation in the Context of Establishment and Introduction of Resort Collecting Revisited
Evsikova E.V.
The importance of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Russia in lawmaking activity
Yaroshenko N.I.
The regional legislation on realization of the rights of citizens for free legal aid
Vinogradova E.V., Vinogradova P.A.
About correlation of administrative legislation and article of the administrative and legal adjusting of joint conduct of Russian Federation and subjects of Russian Federation
Anikin S.B.
Double standard as the method of intellectual discourse (is Russia the «occidental» civilizations antipode?). Part 2
Klishas A.A., Eremyan V.V.
Double standard as the method of intellectual discourse (is Russia the «occidental» civilizations antipode?). Part 1
Eremyan V.V., Klishas A.A.
The Future of Case Law in Russia
Grebennikov V.V., Grudtsina L.Y.
The second Universal Periodic Review of the Russian Federation
Abashidze A.K., Adu Y.N.
Judicial awareness and legal custom in the criminal process
Selina E.V.
Organization of work to counteract illegal withdrawal of funds and money laundering through microfinance organizations
Begeza V.V., Svistunov S.V.
The Nuremberg Trials and The Principle of Respect for The Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
Nikolaev A.M.
State security as a legal category
Iroshnikov D.V.
Ensuring the rights of the accused in custody
Bakhromov I.A.
Fundamentals of appointment of police in the Russian Federation
Adinyaev S.I.
Urgent applications in French administrative justice
Zvyagintsev S.E.
The Summary Procedure in the Administrative Law: Experience of Comparative Legal Research
Zelentsov A.B.
Current issues of legal status of foreigner citizens in the Russian Federation
Galushkin A.A., Kasa I.
World of justice in the Russian Federation — 15 years (analysis of proceedings in criminal matters)
Selina E.V., Starodubtsev G.S.
The politic and legal analysis of some integration associations and nations restrictive measures against Russian Federation, russian citizens and entities
Klishas A.A.
Constitutional right to help yuridichesskuyu qualified
Vinogradova E.V.
The evolution of institute of public events in Russia
Gagloev D.V.
The legal aspects of vesting the local government public powers in the social sphere
Zabelina E.P.
Ethical and legal status of abortion: history and current state of a problem
Gnatik E.N., Sokova E.A.
Improving measures for the development of financial and legal back up of state support for development programs of higher education institutions in Russia
Vlasenko N.A., Zinkovskiy S.B., Gronic I.A.
Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Space
Yastrebov O.A.
Anti-corruption Expertise of the Territorial Entities of the Russian Federation Normative Legal Acts: Practice of Realization
Rostova O.S.
Assessment approaches of the local administration entity in Russian and European scientifically-legal traditions
Balykhin A.G.
Legal groundwork for the protection function of the Russian Federation at the turn of XXI century. Brief survey
Novak Y.I.
Freedom of Assembly in the Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Kolmakov S.Y.
Education in Russian Federation as the basis of obtaining citizenship of Russian Federation in the simplified manner
Galushkin A.A.
Environmental expertise in law enforcement prosecution
Chernyshev V.V.
About the exclusive right of russian citizens to participate in public events
Gagloev D.V.
Implementation of the European Court of Human Rights in the criminal process of the Russian Federation
Selina E.V.
Explanations of plenums ofthe supereme courts onjudicial practiceissuesas aspecific form of judiciallaw-makingin Russia
Kornev A.V.
Topical issues of the mode of lawyer secret legal regulation in Russian Federation at the present stage
Kozhev A.V.
To the question of ensuring protection of the state secret at the international cooperation
Galushkin A.A., Majstrovich E.V., Zhukovets A.S.
To the question of modern society informatization ant the need of ensuring national information security of Russian Federation at the present stage
Galushkin A.A.
Legal profession in Russian Federation at the present stage
Galushkin A.A., Timoshenko D.Y.
1 - 53 of 53 Items

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