No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 12
- URL:

Russian originality of civil procedure. Part 1
This article is dedicated to the specifities of the Russian civil procedure. The author argues his own concept of the originality of civil procedure and describes its differences from the mix process. He also analyses the evolution of the Russian original procedural norms since «Russian law» until the Russian Procedural Code of 1864.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):11-22

The contract as the way of differentiation of powers concerning joint conducting
In article the incident on which it is impossible to equalise on a validity among themselves the federal law and the contract is considered. The author suggests to pass in order to avoid negative consequences of such incident the federal law «About contracts on differentiation of powers between the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation in subjects of joint conducting» in which it is necessary to specify a validity of contracts and, probably, to simplify procedure of their conclusion.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):23-30

Lease: ensuring perfomance of obligations on rental payments
The article presents general characteristics of legal methods of ensuring performance of obligations directed on rental payments and remedies on defaulting tenant in commercial real estate according to the national law of Russian Federation. A special attention is paid to legal analysis of active law and practice in commercial real estate and on possibility and admissibility of mentioned legal methods as a security of the main tenant's obligations - pay a rent.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):45-52

About Some Issues of Adversarial Approach in Sentencing Cases Hearings
While defining an adversarial approach as a fundamental principle in Russian legal proceedings, Russian Criminal Proceeding Code includes among other proceedings the sentencing cases hearing proceeding. In these procedures an adversarial approach is rather a case hearing method or a parties' attitude towards the procedure than a fundamental criminal proceedings principle.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):53-58

The legal regime of matrimonial property used in the activities of commercial organizations, under the laws of Georgia
The article analyzes some features of the legal regulation of family relations under the laws of Georgia in the aspect of the participation of spouses in commercial organizations; considers the most important regulations concerning the protection of property relations of spouses in Georgia; identifies the main trends in civil legislation of Georgia, as well as issues of family law in the regulation of those special relationships that develop between the couple and may affect the interests of third persons, society and the state as a whole.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):59-63

Conception and essense of the treaty about merger and joining in RF and Germany
In this article discover maintenance of the treaty of merger and joining in Russian Federation and Germany. Treaty of merger and joining compear with treaty particular partnership and constituent treaty by law of the Russian Federation. Argue point of view that treaty of merger and joining behave to unnominate civil treaty in Russian Federation. Discover conformity points of view russian and german legislature establishments in regulate maintenance of the treaty of merger and joining.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):64-71

The problem of international electroenergatic cooperation of states within the intarnational organizations
The cooperation of states in energetic spheass within the international organizations is examing in the thesis. The international legal problems of cooperation in energetic spheass within the international organizations on the basis of analyse of international legal documents are also examed in the theses.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):79-88

Legal Effect of the Evidence Collected on the Territory of a Foreign State in the Course of International Co-operation in Criminal Matters
The article deals with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on criminal procedure and some aspects of international treaties regarding legal effect of the evidence obtained on the territory of a foreign state in the course of international co-operation in criminal matters. The author draws the conclusion of necessity of amending art. 455 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2010;(1):89-98