
Ideal image of the head of the educational complex: Research methodology and results
Oseev A.A.
Vertical differentiation of the early non-Western societies: A factor of resource availability
Davydov S.A.
Agency and the reproduction of social structures: On the example of the rotation system of work in Bashkortostan
Turakayev M.S.
Workers in the Regional Social Space: Labor Status and Adaptation Resources
Golenkova Z.T., Igitkhanyan E.D.
The study of SMM as a virus strategy in the media space
Mouzykant V.L.
Time as a key aspect of historical sociology
Behrends H.
The humanities scholars in the «non-humanitarian» world (the status of social sciences and humanities in contemporary Russia)
Podvoisky D.G.
The Social Structure of Chinese Society: Stratification Dynamics
Wong Syodi -.
Development of pre-class society in the evolutionist interpretation
Davydov S.A.
The social dynamics of employees in Russia
Golenkova Z.T., Igithanyan E.D.
Humanitarian Education in Russian Universities: A Secondary Analysis and Experimental “Pilot” Research (on the example of teaching philosophy)
Mazurov N.A.
Transformation of the desired family model in different generations: Results of the All-Russian sociological study
Rostovskaya T.K., Kuchmaeva O.V.
“White spots” of the generational analysis: Objective and subjective meaning of the age
Trotsuk I.V.
Consumption of Gold in the World
Rubtsov N.N.
Differentiation of the quality of life in the regional space
Prokazina N.V., Alekseenok A.A., Kaira Y.V.
Social portrait of wage earners (based on research data)
Golenkova Z.T., Goliusova Y.V., Igitkhanian E.D.
The Reflexive Principle of Sociological Theorization
Ubaidullayeva R.T.
Sociological aspects of the transformation of agrarian structure of Serbia in 1990-2018
Šljukić S., Šljukić M.
Specific features of the social innovations implementation in contemporary Russian organizations
Dudnik A.S.
Sociology between the Past and the Future: Traditions and Prospects
Petrusek M.
0 - 0 of 26 Items > >> 

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