
Institutions: a promising topic insufficiently clarified
Šubrt J.
Sociology of education in Russia: trends and risks of the last decade
Osipov A.M., Babintsev V.P., Matveeva N.A.
Risks of infection with the HIV: Sociological assessment
Nazarova I.B., Nesterov R.S.
Oligarchy and leader are twin brothers
Nikulin A.M.
Corporate culture of organization: Social capital management under challenges and risks
Sharkov F.I., Gostenina V.I., Loskutova I.M., Sycheva E.Y.
Personnel training in commercial organizations: problems and ways forward
Zakablutskaya Е.А.
The Consolidation of the Local Community Amid the Crisis
Azashikova F.Y.
Key features of the public associations and civil activists’ cooperation
Sokolov A.V.
Social and cultural prerequisites for the development of managerial freedom in Russia and Europe: Comparative analysis
Zaytseva O.A.
The influence of team members’ personal characteristics on the effectiveness of group management and social stability of organization
Chernykh A.B., Zaigraeva M.A.
Government, Management and Administration: The Problem of Concepts
Lebedev S.N.
Naumenko T.V.
Social Regulation of Organizational Communications in the Context of N. Luhmann's Autopoiesis Theory
Vishnevetskiy E.G.
Moscow school of social organization
Kravchenko A.I.
The forms of destructive behavior in the workplace
Narozhnaia D.A.
The world’s largest social science infrastructure and academic survey research program: The World Values Survey in the New Independent States
Haerpfer C., Kizilova K.A.
Social aspects of the innovation management in organization
Neverov A.V., Dudnik A.S.
0 - 0 of 17 Items

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