
Lexico-Semantic Transformations in Translation of Stories by V.M. Shukshin into English
Vekovishcheva S.N., Guseinova M.I., Priorova E.M., Savchenko E.P.
Videgain C.
Eponymic Terms as Part of English Scientific Sublanguage of Sociology
Maikova T.A.
Insectophones in the English phonosemantic system
Oschepkova V.V., Razheva E.S.
Towards the Problem of Derivation Modelling (a case study of prefixal verbs in Modern German)
Astvatsatryan M.G.
Motivation of Word Formation in Russian and Arabic Languages and its Role in Achieving Translation Equivalence
Al-Foadi R.A., Zarytovskaya V.N., Al-Roznamachi R.H.
Placenames of the Canadian province of New Branswick
Ilyina A.U.
Analysis of Country Specific Terminological Units in Economics from English Sources
Kalugina J.E.
Motivational Fields in Linguistics: Range, Scope and Structure
Petrov A.V., Sembirceva V.P.
Authorial neologisms and occasionalisms. The phenomenon of the novel “The Little hero” by F.M. Dostoevsky
Osokina E.A.
Cross-cultural Analysis of Biblical Expressions in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French and English
Reunova E.V.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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