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This article represents the results of the work over the Basque Atlas carried out under the auspices of the Basque Language Academy (Bilbao / Bayonne). The text contains a detailed description of the material collecting method, the goals and objectives of this work. The article shows that the need for this kind of dictionary is currents but for a number of reasons, that are analyzed in the presentation, this project could not be realized until 1980-s. The work on the atlas are lasting up to the present moment. The atlas reflects language variability at different levels of its structure (lexical, phonetic / phonological, mor-phological and syntactic). The article analyzes variants of the Basque language, depicts the processes of creating a single language standard, explains the reasons for choosing a certain idiom which serves the basis to the standard. The author shows that, in spite of very special provisions of the Basque language as isolate type of language, from the point of view of genetic typologies, it has something in common as for the lexical forms motivation with its neighboring languages.

About the authors

Charles Videgain

IKER, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour Euskaltzaindia, Académie de la langue basque, Bayonne

Email: charles.videgain@univ-pau.fr
Videgain Charles, Doctor of Philology, Honorary Professor of the University of Po and the Ladura Country, Research Fellow at the IKER Laboratory of the National Center for Scientific Research, Vice President of the Basque Language Academy; scientific interests: Basque language, dialectology, ethnolinguistics, geolinguistics Chateau Neuf, 64100, Bayonne, France


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