
Specifics of Lexical and Grammatical Rules in the Chinese Language
Demidova T.V., Barov S.A., Soloveva T.M.
Linguocultural Analysis of the Advertisement Language in the American English
Polyakova G.M.
Through the Synergetic Union of Linguistics and Other Sciences - to New Challenges and Directions
Maslova V.A.
Semantic Predicate in the Structure of a Literary Text
Kulchitskaya L.G.
Aphorism as an Object of Linguistics: the Main Properties
Ivanov E.E.
The concept of a tree or «Ode to Elm»
Mukhamadiev H.S., Musaly L.Z.
Alice from the Tales of L. Carroll as a Character and Linguistic Personality
Ryadchikova E.N., Kadilina O.A., Balian A.M.
Interior and Exterior Human Universe in Russian and English Paremiae Linguistic Analysis Essay)
Orlova T.G.
Subject Variety of the Belgian Paroemias (on Lexicographical Material)
Syomina P.S.
The character of Despot in the chapter «Belshazzar's feast» of the novel «Sandro from Chegem» F. Iskander
Tskolia C.R.
About the Originality of the Manifestation of the Aesthetic Function in Modern Dramatic Discourse
Zaitseva I.P.
A Comparative Analysis of General Slang in the Macrosystem of Sub-Standard English
Gamov A.N.
Cognitive and anthropocentric approach to treating the category of comic (on the texts containing canine terms)
Fateeva I.M.
Identification, Systematization and Analysis of the Origins of Cognition Universal Operations Reflected in Ancient Manuscripts and Ancient Language
Omelchenko V.V.
The construction of figurativeness and a character as an artist in the novels by A. Baricco in the Italian language and Russian translations
Lutero T.
1 - 15 of 15 Items

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