Images of a Good and Evil Person in Russian and Chinese Paremiological Pictures of the World
- Authors: Zhang L.1, Kormazina O.P.2
- Southeast University
- Far Eastern Federal University
- Pages: 841-855
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The linguoculturological studies in paremiology make one of the most actively developing, researchers have repeatedly analyzed the concepts of GOOD and EVIL on the material of paremias of a particular language. However, the study of character traits «good» and «evil» on the basis of the proverbs of the Russian and Chinese languages has not yet been considered, which is the novelty of this study. The article studies paremiological units of the Russian and Chinese languages, representing a good and evil person. The goal of the work is to identify common and peculiar ethno-specific features reflected in the proverbs of the Russian language against the background of their counterparts in the Chinese language, as well as to establish their motivation. To achieve this goal, methods of comparative and linguoculturological analyses were applied. The sources of the material were the proverbs dictionary, as well as data from Russian and Chinese corpora. The paper concludes that there are much more different cultural attitudes contained in the proverbs we are interested in than common ones, which causes a big difference in understanding the character traits of «good» and «evil» between native Russian and Chinese speakers. Understanding the universal and nationally marked ideas of Russians and Chinese effectively contributes to cultural communication between peoples.
About the authors
Licheng Zhang
Southeast University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6357-6416
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Institute of Foreign Languages
2, Southeast University Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China, 211189Olga P. Kormazina
Far Eastern Federal University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0641-7088
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language
10, Russian Island - Ajax District, Vladivostok, Russian Federation, 690922References
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