
Language of Russian textbooks: diachronic linguistic profiling
Kupriyanov R.V., Shoeva G.N., Aleksandrova O.I.
Russian language textbook as agent of change: from USSR to the new century
Bulina E.N., Solnyshkina M.I., Ebzeeva Y.N.
Classic Paper Russian Text-books for Foreign Students — electronic text-books — smart text-books
Khromov S.S.
Forming a methodical thesaurus of a foreign author of a manual on Russian as a foreign language
Farysenkova L.V., Zhellali E.I.
“Russian as we speak it” (about Serafima A. Khavronina and the book of her life)
Nikitin O.V.
An Electronic Textbook as a New Type of a Modern Textbook
Constantinova L.A., Zubareva Y.M.
Synthetic artistic culture as a fundamental principle of culturally-oriented teaching of the Russian language in Slovakia: to Eva Kollarova’s anniversary
Heiser F.
A Modern Russian Textbook for Foreigners
Stepanenko V.A., Nahabina M.M., Kurlova I.V.
What a textbook on Russian as a foreign language for adult students should be
Kozdra M.
Professional vocabulary in Russian as a foreign language textbooks: on the experience of teaching foreign military men
Govorukhina Y.A., Mongina F.M.
Searching for “the golden key” (problems of modern Russian as a foreign language textbooks)
Pashkovskaya S.S.
Formation of a Russian Speaking Personality in a Foreign Language Society (to the Problem of Specific Textbooks for Foreign Russian Schools)
Mlechko T.P.
On writing a textbook on russian as a foreign language for a technical university
Timoshenko T.E., Ushakova O.A., Shuvalov V.L.
1 - 13 of 13 Items

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