- Year: 2019
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-language-studies/issue/view/1265
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-8163-2019-17-4
Full Issue
Editorial Note

The Name in Science
Synthetic artistic culture as a fundamental principle of culturally-oriented teaching of the Russian language in Slovakia: to Eva Kollarova’s anniversary
The report is devoted to culturological research in foreign-language education, issues of working at masterpieces of Russian art in connection with a systemic-chronological presentation of ingenious representatives of Russian culture in the dialogue with Slovak culture. The communicativecultural concept constitutes the basis of long-term research and educational work of the remarkable Slovak specialist in Russian philology Eva Kollarova. An analysis of Eva Kollarova’s textbooks and monographs presented in the article shows her significant contribution to the Russian language diffusion not only in Slovakia, but also in other European countries.

Scientific Review
A.D. Deikina’s scientific school: conceptual role of axiological approach in Russian language teaching
The article describes the issues of axiological linguodidactics exemplified in methodical studies of A.D. Deikina’s scientific school: linguistic substantiation of axiological aspect in Russian language teaching, culturological component of pupils’ value system, new technologies for axiological skills development at Russian language lesson, philology students’ value system development as a professional competence. Conceptual features have been defined in scientific school research: focus on personality development, social experience acquisition, training the aptitude to various cooperation with the surrounding community. The scientific school works reflect conceptual development of linguistic and methodical training for Russian language teachers, focused on increasing pupils’ learning and cognitive motivation and improving their personal, metasubject and subject achievements. The scientific novelty of the research is defined by the key idea of anthropocentricity, integrity of essential components of axiological methodology, multifacetedness of approaches to text-oriented language studies. The scientific research in the article shows the development of Russian language teaching methodology in the first decades of the XXI century. The value of the article for contemporary school education lies in the fact that axiological linguistic methodology assists in developing cultural identity of future Russian citizens.

Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native and Foreign Language
Speech behaviour of Latvian Russian-speaking schoolchildren in argumentative texts
The article analyses the problems, which Russian-speaking schoolchildren in Latvia meet while creating written argumentative texts. The topicality of the article lies in the peculiarities of forming the schoolchildren’s linguistic personality in the diaspore during bilingual education. The author focuses on the main problems in the schoolchildren’s written speech and their reasons. The criteria of text content-analysis were as follows: 1) the level of argumentation autonomy; 2) the quality of the arguments; 3) the level of argument unfoldedness and using different types of arguments; 4) speech expressiveness and observing language norms. The ninth-graders’ text analysis led the author to the following conclusions: the compositions of most schoolchildren partly correspond with argumentative texts (in the aspect of their contents, structure, quantity and quality of arguments, means of thought development); they lack intertextual embeddings (the texts are “poor” in the sense aspect); in the speech behaviour there dominates an explicit I-communication (reflexive observations, egocentric direction of their behaviour), pragmatic, naked outline of facts even if the topic of the text motivates to verbalize emotions; there are a lot of language errors. The results of the research are based on analysis of 3296 ninth-graders, which the schoolchildren wrote at Russian language exam on finishing secondary school in 2016-2018. The results of this and further researches will allow the author to deeply investigate the process of forming primary and secondary linguistic personality of a Russian-speaking schoolchild in Latvia.

Event-driven approach to teaching Russian to schoolchildren of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The article is devoted to teaching the Russian language to the pupils of schools at the embassies of the Russian Federation and the necessity of using the event-based approach for forming and improving communicative universal educational activities (hereinafter UEA). In modern educational reality, when children become pupils of multi-ethnic classes in Foreign Ministry schools regardless of their proficiency in the Russian language, it is necessary to create conditions allowing to form their communicative competence not only at Russian language lessons, but also in extracurricular time. One of conditions of learning Russian is the use of event-based approach to organizing language education, in particular, participation in network projects of Russian Foreign Ministry foreign schools’ interaction. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that due to the conceptual properties of the event approach, its necessity and effectiveness for improving communicative UEA in a multi-ethnic school are justified. The practical significance of the article is that within the framework of the event approach, a model of a network project for Foreign Ministry foreign schools with rhetorical competencebased tasks has been developed. The model allows to achieve a synergetic educational effect in Russian language learning. The described educational event for pupils results in discovering personal and subject meanings through communication, as well as understanding the value of their own speech experience in Russian. The authors conclude about the need to use the event-based approach in a multi-ethnic school, which allows to create an open communicative situation in the Russian language. The directions of further scientific and methodological work could be expanding the list of communicative educational events implemented within this approach, creating the guidelines and their implementation in the practice of multi-ethnic schools.

First Steps in Science (until 20.06.2021)
Project-research activity in Russian language lessons for 5th-graders in studying lexis on the example of the topic “Homonyms”
The relevance of the research is justified by the necessity of developing methodical basis for project-research activity at the lessons of the Russian language at schools. The article is aimed at: 1) giving justification for introducing project-research activity into in-class work while studying the section “Lexis” in the 5th forms by approving the methods given by the author for studying the topic “Homonyms”; 2) evaluating the development of general learning skills (comparing, giving definitions for terms, giving arguments for a point) using the material of the topic ‘Homonyms”; 3) assessing the knowledge of Russian lexis of pupils from control and experimental classes, comparing the results; 4) specifying the term “project-research activity” in the aspect of the goals of Russian language learning in middle school. The theoretical relevance of the article is in providing justification for identifying project-research activity as a specific separate type of learning activity, specifying the term “projectresearch activity” in Russian language classes in the middle school, specifying general learning skills (comparing, giving definitions to terms, giving arguments for a point) necessary for conducting projectresearch activity in Russian language classes, providing description for the levels of their development on the example of studying the “Homonyms” topic in 5th grades. The practical relevance of the article is in giving developed and proven program that includes pupils’ work on researching project “Portrait of the word” in the 5th form during studying the section “Lexis”. This article discusses the possibilities of studying vocabulary at Russian language classes using project-research activity. Project-research activity in Russian language classes is understood as independent cognitive activities of the pupils, aimed at studying the Russian language, developing linguistic knowledge and skills and forming general studying capabilities. This type of activity is characterized by having a project idea, it is planned as a process of achieving the project idea through consequent research operations. The author proposes the program for studying the topic “Homonyms” within the framework of “Portrait of the word” project, and the results achieved during experimental education are discussed. The data obtained during experimental education allow making a conclusion that project-research activity can be effectively integrated into class-and-lesson system of studying vocabulary in Russian classes in the 5th form: it promotes forming knowledge and skills on the topic and general learning skills of comparing, giving definitions for terms and giving arguments for a point. The directions of future research are in developing methods of organizing project-research activity in Russian language classes both during lessons and in extracurricular activity on the material of topics ‘Morphology”, “Syntax”, “Phonetics”, etc.

Russian language teaching in Ruzomberok, Slovakia: culturological approach
Teaching Russian at the universities in Slovakia has its own history. For decades, the Russian language has occupied a worthy place in the country’s universities, including Ruzomberok. A new educational reform (since September, 2019) implies freedom of choice when learning foreign languages. Consequently, interest in studying the Russian language in Slovakia is forecasted, which indicates the relevance of our chosen topic. The purpose of the article is to analyze the system of teaching the Russian language at Catholic University in Slovakia from the perspective of a young teacher with little pedagogical experience. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the pointing out the problem of forming and developing interest to the Russian language in Ruzomberok through the culturological approach outlined by the famous Slovak specialist in Russian philology Eva Kollarova. The practical significance of the work consists in using educational disciplines being worked out, their analysis and further adjustment aimed at developing the students’ personality, their individuality through the Russian language. As a result of the study, it was proved that the curriculum based on the culturological approach to teaching a foreign language helps to build trust between the teacher and students. Also, university students are motivated, and in the university environment, they do not only receive facts through language, but are also brought up. We see the prospects of the study in a more detailed study of the impact of teaching the Russian language according to the principle of “language through culture, culture through language.” Due to the growing interest to the Russian language in Slovakia and a free choice in learning a foreign language, the willingness of teachers and students for the dialogue of cultures is becoming very important.

Key Issues of Russian Language Research
The deciphering stimulus of a compound word: the problem of definition and description
The article discusses the concept of abbreviated decryption of stimulus, which refers to a method of rolling out a contracted construct abbreviation in an equivalent phrase. The study is relevant because it implements and describes a new approach to abbreviation interpretation, stating that a complex word in a synchronous section of the language usually corresponds not to not, but to several equivalent phrases that appear as a result of actualizing alternative decryption stimuli of a contracted abbreviation construct in the text, while existing dictionaries of complex words give only one phrase as an equivalent, usually with a relative adjective. The purpose of the article is to define and describe the system of decoding stimuli of abbreviations in the Russian language. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that it states the existence of a branched system of equivalent phrases in the language, where parallel multiple decryption of a contracted construct of the abbreviation is carried out. The practical significance of the results is the possibility to use them in compiling dictionaries of abbreviations, as well as in translating and editing. The article describes two principles of interpreting decryption stimuli - cognitive and formal. It is concluded that cognitive bases of allocating decryption stimulus are associated with such parameters as stereotypy, uniqueness, regularity. Under the decryption stimulus in this case we understand background knowledge, provoking a particular variant of rolling out a contracted construct of the abbreviation, the stereotype of its explication. As a result of the study, we found that a presentative decryption stimulus is the most stereotyped one. The formal approach defines the decryption stimulus as specific, i.e. empirically observed equivalent phrase in the form of a contracted construct abbreviation in the texts. The perspectives of further research in this area is clarification of the classification of decryption stimuli and on its basis methods of their forecasting.

Semantic shifts in verbalization of the ethical concept “boon” in electronic mass-media
The relevance of the article is conditioned by the specific role of the Internet space nowadays. The authors analyze the changes of ethical semantics of the concept “boon” on the material of lexical units in modern electronic mass-media compared with the semantic field represented in explanatory dictionaries. On the material of explanatory dictionaries of Old Church Slavonic and Russian languages the authors conducted a diachronic analysis, described ethical semantic components of the concept, pointed out always actual meanings “kindness”, “gifts of the Holy Spirit”, “love”, “mercy”, “benefaction”. The novelty of the article is in pointing out the changes in the name of the concept - lexeme “boon”. The authors showed that abstract senses are increasing in its semantics - “everything, that is good”. But in the end of the XXth ethical senses actualize again, the senses which were characteristic for the concept in Old Russian period and were ideologically deactualized in the beginning and in the middle of the century. The analysis of modern electronic mass-media, which greatly influence national consciousness nowadays, showed that in this material the lexeme “boon” appears to be semantically incomplete, realizes additional function and only historically reminds us of one of the most important concepts of Russian language worldview. Therefore, we need “ethical censorship” in relation to the words verbalizing significant concepts of Russian mentality. The results of the research can be used in creating texts of different styles and genres for mass-media, in teaching Russian (as a non-native and native language), in releasing forensic linguistic expertise.

Book Reviews
International meeting of Russian scholars on the banks of the Neva. Review of the collective monograph “Russian Studies and the Present” (Ed. By I.P. Lysakova, E.A. Zheleznyakova. St. Petersburg: «Severnaya Zvezda», 2018)