
Short Version of V.A. Losenkov’s Impulsivity Questionnaire: Development and Validation
Sheinov V.P., Dziavitsyn A.S.
Psychological Features of Young People Involved with Social Latin Dancing
Novikova I.A., Tolstova D.A.
To the Problem of Relation between Personality Traits and Ethnic Stereotypes of Multinational University Students
Novikova I.A., Panchekhina N.N.
Estimation of Manifestation of Aggression and Temperament in the Russian and Chinese Students
Dishchuk D.A.
Aggressiveness of Participants in Educational Relations and Psychological Safety of School Environment
Badiev I.V.
Features of formation of psychological structure of children's and teen's aggression
Kruchkova A.B.
Causation of variables of aggressiveness with the features of temperament
Kruchkova A.B.
The demonstration of personal property of children with various types of child-parent relationships in the families of professional soldiers
Loktaeva S.A.
Psychological peculiarities of senior pupils' aggressiveness
Kruchkova A.B.
Cross-Cultural Adaptation Specifics in Arabic Students Considering Stressful Situation In Native Country
Pilishvili T.S., Al Masri Ismail -.
The problem of aggressiveness, self-regulation and adaptation of the personality
Tarasova E.V.
Psychological features of aggressiveness of smoking female students
Novikova I.A., Novikov A.L.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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