Vol 19, No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1523
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2022-19-1
Full Issue
Features of the Construction of Children Narratives in a Bilingual Environment
The article examines such an indicator of the development of language and culture as a child’s elicited narrative. A narrative is a story created by a child based on a picture story or a series of pictures. The narrative allows to evaluate the child’s coherent monologue speech. Narratives as primary forms of cultural texts reflect a certain national and cultural specifics. In the narrative, one can distinguish a macrostructure that determines its semantic completeness and adequacy, as well as a microstructure that assess lexical and grammatical accuracy. In our work, we studied the narratives of children from Moscow, the Republic of Sakha - Yakutia (Yakutsk and uluses) and the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan). In addition, children performed a number of psychological tests, which made it possible to assess their level of development of executive functions and non-verbal intelligence. The main objective of the study was to identify how the factor of bilingualism influences the construction of the narrative and what other factors also influence. The study involved 765 children, including 327 boys and 438 girls ( M = 77.89 months, SD = 5.22). All children attended senior groups of kindergartens in Moscow ( n = 495), Kazan ( n = 115), the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia (Yakutsk and uluses) ( n = 155). As a result of a survey of educators and a short language test, the sample was divided into two groups: bilinguals ( n = 179 people) who communicate equally in Russian and national languages; and monolinguals (586 people) who communicate mainly or only in Russian. The results of statistical processing of the material showed that bilingualism is an important factor affecting the microstructure of narratives, however, to the greatest extent, both micro and macrostructure depend on auditory-verbal working memory. This is supported by both correlations and general linear models.
Multilingual Literature of the United States
Like the Russian Federation, the United States is a multilingual, multicultural society. A nation of immigrants and indigenous peoples, it has produced a rich body of literature in dozens of languages in addition to English that scholars have only in recent decades begun to pay attention to. Of particular note are texts in Spanish, Yiddish, Chinese, French, Hebrew, German, Arabic, Norwegian, Welsh, Greek, Turkish, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese and numerous American Indian languages. In this paper we observe the most significant texts of multilingual American literature. The corpus of literary works shows us, that despite Americans’ pervasive and enduring xenolinguaphobia - aversion to other languages - the United States, like other large countries, is a heterogeneous amalgam. Ignoring the variety of works written in languages other than English impoverishes the national culture and handicaps serious readers.
Translingual Poets in Colonial and Postcolonial Taiwan
In the mid-1940s, Taiwan underwent a change of ruling power from colonial Japan to the Kuomintang Party from China. Both governments implemented monolingualization on the Taiwanese population. In this article, we examine the situation translingual position in a historical aspect, dwelling in detail on the work of the outstanding Taiwanese poet Chen Qianwu. We come to several conclusions that may be useful to researchers in the field of translingual literature. 1. Taiwan’s translingual poets, born in the 1920s, found themselves in a situation of permanent code switching: using the local dialects of Hokkien and Hakka in everyday practice, they were trained in Japanese and used Japanese in a wider society. 2. Although the switch between one monolingual paradigm and another violated the creative result of translational authors, this did not exclude the experience of multilingual realities and interlingual influences that they experienced from the fragmentation of local identities, especially during the development and formation of Taiwanese linguistic consciousness. 3. The literary intermediaries between the paradigms were: the classical Chinese writing, brought with the first immigrants from China; vernacular Chinese writing, influenced by the New Literary Movement in the 1920s; Taiwanese writing based on the most common dialects, Hokkien and Hakka (the idea of speaking and writing in unison); Japanese writing, which was originally studied in school along with Chinese, but supplanted it. The switch from Japanese, the colonial official language, to Mandarin Chinese, the postcolonial official language, led to a so-called “translingual generation” of literary writers. While the switch from one monolingual paradigm to another disrupted the creative output of the “translingual generation”, it did not prevent these writers from developing a Taiwanese consciousness. As illustrated by the poet Chen Qianwu, language crossing experiences strengthened the translingual generation’s assertion of their local identities.
Bacha Boy in Russian Cultural Reception
The article examines the type of culture, the institution that the Russian colonialists faced upon their arrival in the Turkestan region in the ХIХth century - the art of bacha boys. The mismatch of mentality - European and Asian - gave rise to rejection of this institution among the newcomers, who took key administrative positions and charted a course to fight Bachism. The actual destruction of the bacha boys falls on the Soviet period (the play “Ecstasy with the Pomegranate” from the repertoire of the Ilkhom Theater reflects this process). The authors of the article trace the growing discourse associated with rejection of bacha boys in Russian publicism (articles and fragments of memoirs by V.V. Vereshchagin, N.S. Lykoshin, D.N. Logofet and others), and also analyze the points of view of a number of Russian artists and writers that does not coincide with the official position (N.N. Karazin, V.G. Yan, Usto Mumin, E. Alennik). In the process of reasoning the authors come to the conclusion that the art of bachа boys was organic for Central Asian culture, it correlates with Sufi practices. The article presents arguments from the judgments of Islamic theologians, Russian Islamic scholars, and the Sufi poet Jalaladdin Rumi According to the authors, the so-called evidence-based practice of prerevolutionary persecutors of вacha boys for their alleged immorality is based on rumors and speculation, with which folklore reality usually works, mythologizing this or that phenomenon. N.N. Karazin writes the novel “Atlar” precisely in the algorithm of the rehabilitation of the вacha boys.
Russian-German Chanson as a Product of Emigration
The theory of chanson as a creative direction has not been sufficiently developed, although the study of chanson has undoubtedly been strengthening its positions recently. Researchers perceive chanson broadly (songs of the direction of urban song folklore) and narrowly (“thieves” lyrics). The purpose of the research is to study the Russian-German chanson, the tasks are to observe the works of Vadim Kuzema and Viktor Gagin, a multifaceted analysis of the lyric cycle of Sonya Jahnke “From a Song Notebook”. The legitimacy of the allocation of the Russian-German chanson is confirmed by the attempt of the “national-geographical division” of the Russian-speaking chanson, proposed by M. Dyukov. Russian-German chanson is a phenomenon that formed during the third stage of mass migration, that is, it fully takes into account all the genetic layers of the subcultural ethnos. S. Janke, in her stylization as a “thug” chanson song, concerns various aspects of the life and life of Russian Germans in Germany. The author of the article applies structural-descriptive, historical-typological and comparative-historical research methods. The research results can be applied to the entire RussianGerman chanson. The lyrical hero suffers from marginality and seeks to “grow” into a new and still alien society for him. The clear difference between Russian-German chanson and Russian is in a special collective subject (a type of Russian German) striving to become related to the world that alienates him (as opposed to the hero of the Russian “thug” chanson cultivating the world of outcasts). The asocial character of the hero of the Russian-German chanson is fundamentally different from the asocial character of the hero of the Russian chanson. Comprehension of the Russian-German chanson reveals a paradox: the appeal of Russian Germans to a marginal “thug” song is nothing more than an attempt to free themselves from the marginality of their ethnic group. Russian-German stylization under the “thieves” song is not distinguished by romance: the ethnic picture of Russian Germans is not characterized by the typically Russian opposition of “high” and “low”.
Linguistic Expression in the Novel by Adam Mekebaev “Hiding-place in the Steppe” and the Problem of Its Transmission in Russian Translation
The genre of the historical novel, in which the historical past is reconstructed, implies a special work of the writer with language - the main means of materializing, embodying and detailing the depicted historical reality. The artistic materialization of the objective world of the historical period, recreated in the novel under study is carried out by the author of the work through a description of household items and interior, beliefs and superstitions, the way of managing, ethics and speech culture, relations between estates, etc. Expressed by phraseological units, idiomatic expressions, dialect words, including obsolete reconstruction of the surrounding reality and the spiritual and psychological sphere, the inner world of the characters requires special attention of the translator. The purpose of the article is to comprehend and describe the ethnolinguistic units (phraseological word combination, idioms, dialect words, realities) found in Adam Mekebaev’s historical novel “A Cache in the Steppe”, and to substantiate their translation into Russian. The author of the article is the author of the translation of the novel into Russian.
Language Processes
Genesis of the Republic of Belarus Language Policy
The problems of language policy are multifaceted, they allow for variability of approaches to assessing its effectiveness and compliance with the national-ethnic model of social relations. The importance of the formation and development of legal instruments for regulating the linguistic landscape and protecting the language is confirmed by the presence of an impressive number of international normative acts. However, the main legal mechanisms in this area are in the plane of responsibility of national legislation. In this regard, the experience of the Republic of Belarus, which, in contrast to other union republics of the former USSR, has managed to preserve state bilingualism seems to be interesting. The research was carried out on the normative legal acts regulating the modern state language policy of Belarus. The methodology of the work included general scientific methods of generalization and systematization, logical and comparative analysis. Until the 1990s, the modern Belarusian language did not have the formal status of the state language (the Constitution of Soviet Belarus only enshrined the norms of its use on a par with Russian in all spheres of official business communication). At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, the problems of regulating language issues were included in the political agenda. The first legislative acts of sovereign Belarus consolidated the state monolingualism and were focused on a forced transition to Belarusian-language communication. Belarusianization in the country was the most effective in the sphere of general secondary and preschool education, but it could not completely «oust» the Russian language from the socio-political discourse and, of course, everyday communication. The promotion of the national language grew into a political slogan that was not supported by the public: at the 1995 referendum, amendments to the Constitution were adopted to give the Russian language the status of a state language. These changes were reflected in other normative acts. The experience of building the language policy of the Republic of Belarus is unique for the postSoviet space: the country, which is at the forefront of the nationalist positions of monolingualism in the early 90s of the last century, managed, during a period of independence and sovereignty that was short by historical standards, to go through a fairly serious way of harmonizing the language situation, legally normalizing the processes social communicative interaction and retaining the features of national linguistic identity. The modern linguistic landscape of Belarus is characterized by the obvious dominance of the Russian language in almost all spheres of communicative interaction. At the same time, the Belarusian language as the language of the titular nation functionally plays the role of not so much a means of communication as a symbol of national self-identity.
Linguistic Manifestations of Extremism in the Aspect of National Legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus
In the context of globalization of society, information becomes not just the sum of knowledge necessary for mankind, but a means of manipulating the consciousness of millions of people, a way of inciting hatred and enmity. Verbal crimes are committed against both human rights and freedoms and against the peace and security of mankind. In recent years, both in Russia and in Belarus, verbal offenses of an extremist nature have become more frequent. For the Belarusian and Russian linguistic and legal discourse, this is a fairly new phenomenon, the interest in which predetermined the purpose of this study - to study the phenomenon of verbal extremism in the aspect of the national legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The factual data were conflictogenic texts with extremist focus that were analyzed from a legal standpoint (Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus and Articles 280 and 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The methodology of the research comprises the method of parametrization and logical-linguistic, comparative and lexicalsemantic analyses. The object of the research is verbal expressions of extremism. In this study, attention was paid to both the theoretical study of the phenomenon of verbal extremism and the practical analysis of conflictogenic texts. Common signs of verbal extremism are: abstractness, heightened emotional background of transmitted information, pseudo-non-involvement of a person in its dissemination. The main mechanism of sowing (inciting) discord is the use of expressions stating the superiority or exclusiveness of the dominant group as compared to the biological, social or moral defectiveness or depravity of the subgroup. The verbal mechanism of sowing (inciting) hatred is creation of defective or hostile images of the subgroup, when its members are attributed either a desire to lead parasitic lifestyles at the expense of the members of the dominant group, or they are accused of innate hostility to the dominant group and conspiring its destruction. The results obtained indicate that the Belarusian and Russian legislation reflects a similar understanding of the category of verbal extremism, which indicates the gradual harmonization of the legislative systems of Russia and Belarus in terms of assessing crimes against the peace and security of mankind.
Language Code Mixing in the Discourse of IT Companies
The mixing of English with national languages in business communication is a consequence of global processes: the development of transnational corporations, modern technologies, the intensification of communication flows and the dominance of English in intercultural communication. Mixing and switching of language codes is quite often observed in the corporate media discourse of IT companies. For organizations in this sphere, English is the main language of business communication, but its use goes beyond professional slang and terminology, creating characteristic forms of language codes mixing. The purpose of the research presented in the article is to identify and analyze situations of mixing English and Russian in the corporate media discourse of IT companies. The research material was corporate media texts in Russian and English posted on the pages of official websites, corporate blogs and in the social networks Twitter and Facebook. In the analyzed texts in Russian, English inclusions (phrases, individual words and their parts) are often observed to denote work programs and tools, corporate events. As part of the professional slang of IT professionals, English words are transmitted using the Cyrillic alphabet and in accordance with the rules of Russian grammar. The influence of English on Russian media discourse in the IT field is also observed in the expansion of the meanings of some words. In Russian media texts, there are also phrases that are not typical for the Russian language, but represent a literal translation of English phrases. English-language sentences are used in Russian texts as mottos or slogans of the company, as congratulations or advice. As a result of the content analysis of the selected media texts, it was also found that along with the English language, the values typical for the discourse of American corporations are being borrowed. It was found that the value dominants of the corporate discourse of IT companies are “change” and “progress”, “success”, “equality”, “partnership”.
Bilingual education
Russian Language Classes through Thematic Learning “About the Country, about the Homeland, about the Human”: Metasubject Aspect
In the educational process of acquiring or learning languages, humanitarian knowledge and related skills (both academic and extracurricular, also termed as hard and soft skills) are responsible for not only a native speaker’s cognitive activity, but also for their behavioral scenarios. This statement ensures the relevance of this research. The objective of the article is to determine methodological recommendations that can be used in Russian language classes at educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus which aim at preserving regional / national “places and images of memory” presented in fiction and journalistic texts. The material that is used in class comprises texts created by Marc Chagall, Robert Rozhdestvensky, David Simanovich that aim at educating the generational trajectory by means of the language.
The Phenomenon of Cultural Literacy in the Context of Closely Related Bilingualism
The subject of research in the article is cultural literacy in the aspect of the relationship between culture and education, language and culture. Cultural literacy is viewed as a system of knowledge and skills necessary for a person to confidently navigate in the modern multipolar multicultural world of people, relationships, events, traditions, values, etc. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the phenomenon of cultural literacy in modern Belarus. The article analyzes the main directions in the formation and development of cultural literacy in the context of closely related Belarusian-Russian bilingualism, enshrined in the Republic of Belarus at the legislative level. The material for the research is the process of humanitarian education of children of primary school age. Research methods - theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization) and empirical (observation, questioning, testing).
Entertaining in Writing Classes with Bilingual Children
The article describes a system how to arouse interest in writing in bilingual classes, how to make bilingual children respect a written and later on- a typed word. The proposed set of practical methods is of particular relevance in the context of negative attitude towards calligraphy in the era of information and communication technologies, and a limited number of study hours and restricted choice of writing aids for bilingual children.
Business Culture in the Speech of Bilingual Students
In the article, the authors highlight one of the important aspects of teaching bilingual students the Russian language - teaching the culture of business speech. Special attention is paid to the tasks of teachers aimed at improving the level of professional communicative competence of foreign students. The article also emphasizes the important role of creating such an educational language situation that allows the student to choose certain lexical and syntactic means and offer the best options for creating an oral or written utterance. The article presents some types of educational tasks, their selection for a particular lesson is correlated with the language level of each group and provides a strictly individual approach to each student. The sections of vocabulary, morphology, and stylistics were selected, in which mistakes were made during the control student sections, and special tasks were developed in order to eliminate them and translate knowledge of theoretical material into practical skills.