No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 29
- URL:
Phenomenon of Synonymy of Verbal Idioms Denoting Feelings In Russian, Tajik, And English Languages
The importance of synonymy phenomenon is emphasized by its study based on practical examples used in speech and literature; it lets us to divide verbal idioms denoting feelings in Russian, English, and Tajik languages into three groups: verbal idioms denoting positive feelings, verbal idioms denoting negative feelings, and verbal idioms denoting state.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):7-14

Historical Novel Vs Romance Formation in B. D’israeli’s Creative Search
The key-features of the English Romanticism historical genre fusion of novel and romance created by B.D’Israeli (1804—1881) are considered in the article. Techniques of the historical novel and romance are investigated and illustrated with D’Israeli’s novel “Alroy”. Reviews taken from periodicals of the epoch and from the contemporary ones create social and cultural background of the novel writing process.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):15-21

Structural Peculiarities of Commercial Letters In Russia And France
The present paper discusses the commercial letter’s structure in Russia and in France. The authors pay special attention to the research of the essential rules of composing a commercial letter and describe its peculiarities.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):22-26

The Achievement Of Communicative Equivalency By Means Of Interlingual Mediated Communication
Miklucho-Maklay str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198 The article deals with the comparative analysis of cognitive-discourse factors of the mediated interlingual communication connected with national-cultural specification of the language worldview.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):27-32

Internal And External Relationship In Semi-Morphological Constructions In Modern German
The article deals with word order and semantic relationship in sentences with semi-morphological constructions in Modern German and there is an explanation of their internal and external relationship which comes out in constructions of these types.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):33-36

Cognitive Foundations Of Frame Dictionary
The article looks at the cognitive foundations of frame dictionary. The genesis of the notion “frame” is considered, contemporary frame studies are sorted out into scientific directions, the conclusion about the correlation of the linguadidactic category “frame” with the frame in the frame dictionary entry is made in the article.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):37-42

To The Question Of Recognition Of The Language Phenomenon As A Norm: Language, Culture, Norm
This article deals with questions of recognition of the language phenomenon as a norm are considered, influence of linguistic and social-linguistic factor on development and language functioning is analyzed, views of linguists of development of a language situation are given in the Spanish-speaking world and examples of this influence on territories of Mexico.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):43-52

The Origin Of The Phrancophonie In Sub-Saharian Africa
The article discusses the origin of the formation of the phrancophonie in Sub-Saharian Africa («Negro Africa»), the process of appearance of the French language in Africa, its assimilation in the indigenous population of SSA. Preparation for this article was supported by Grant from the President of the Russian Federation (MK-1891.2012.6, Comparative Analysis of Regional and Territorial Variants of the French Language in France and Africa).
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):53-57

The General Tendencies And Specialties Of Formathion Of Individual’s Beginning In The East African Literature
The present article describes the process of personality`s formation in the swahily literature in the firs part of XX century. The process is examined in the works of Shaaban Robert the well-known writer in all over the East Africa and who is known as a founder of the contemporary literature in the swahily language too. The genre of autobiography is appraised as a main one in the swahily literature of this period.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):65-69

A New Conceptual Approach to Teaching Scientific Style of Speech of Foreign Students at the Stage of Pre-University Education
The article considers a new conceptual approach to teaching foreign students the language of specialty at the stage of pre-University education. Formulated main tasks of the training of scientific style of speech and offered solutions to some of them. It describes the work on creation of the electronic workshop on linguistics, which is a component of the electronic educational environment, created on the portal of the University.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):70-77

Problems of National And Personal Features of Tested Persons in Creation Adaptive Tests for RFL
The article considers the problem of testing foreign students during their studying Russian language. Special attention is paid to integration of the national and personal features of tested persons in the process of teaching Russian and in the control of students’ knowledge, abilities and skills. In this context it is proposed to create adaptive tests which take into account individual peculiarities of tested persons.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):78-85

Positive And Negative Aspects Of E-Learning Technologies In The Educational Process Economics From The University
In this article are considered the positive and negative aspects information technology in teaching Russian and foreign students. Practical recommendations for the resolution of psychological problems of students in their learning and information issues related to computer breaches.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):86-90

Education as a Field of Social and Cultural Identity
The article deals with the content of contemporary humanitarian model of education as a process of social and cultural identity. The authors consider a strategy for the formation of personal and civic identity of Russian students, and offer some forms of extracurricular work with foreign students to foster their adaptation to the Russian reality.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):108-115

The Essence Of The Concept Of The Regional Professionally Oriented Language Education In Pavlodar Region
This article deals with the essence of the regional concept of professionally oriented language education in Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan. The goals, objectives and principles of the concept are pointed out here. The theoretical and methodological issues of the regional concept of professionally oriented language education in non-language universities are formulated.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):116-122

Certain Means of Engineer Training Improvement in Higher School in Accordance With The Contents Of Modern Higher Education
Scientific concepts laying the foundation of modern higher education structure and practical teaching techniques providing the heightening engineer training level in the part of professionally — oriented translation in a Non-Linguistic University are considered in the given article.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):128-133

Problems In Mastering Of Russian Poetic Texts By Foreign Students
This article examines grammatical, lexical, phonetic and cultural pitfalls in mastering of Russian poetic texts by foreign students. It offers a classification of impending issues accompanied by exemplary excerpts from famous Russian poems. The article provides guidance for teachers in overcoming such problems in the course of foreign students’ study.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):134-140

Education, Upbringing And Intellectual-Moral Development In Russian Schools: Their Pithiness And The Necessity Of Planning Of The Content
The issues related to both pithiness and the necessity of projecting the content in the activity related to education, upbringing and intellectual-moral development of schoolchildren in the process of secondary education are discussed. These three kinds of activity are considered as those forming an integrated process bound up with formation of the true consciousness and moral status of schoolchildren, which shall provide for the pithiness of their personalities. Achievement of this goal is considered as the process of true integration of the Russian system of secondary education.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):141-150

«Russian Language And Language Culture» Course Adoption For Foreign Students’ Perception
Main issues of «Russian language and language culture» course teaching for foreign students reviewed. Justified requirement of the course adoption for foreign students’ perception. Basic types of lexical mistakes in foreign students’ speech analyzed. Methods of modern Russian language lexical norms teaching proposed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):156-163

Control As A Component Of Communicative Technology Of Training Russian As Foreign Language To Students Of Non-Philological Profile
The article is devoted to one of control forms when training Russian as a foreign language on pre-high school stage — linguadidactive testing. The Manual on the complex test control is presented. It realizes a communicative principle and is intended for the work in the classroom and self-training of students non-philologists.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):170-174

New Ideas In Teaching Practice Of Russian As A Foreign Language
The article focuses on new ideas in RFL teaching practice which are taken into consideration in the textbooks of new generation as well as in the manuals, programes, tests, multimedia that have been published in the Center for International Education of Moscow State University lately.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):175-181

Walking in Moscow: «Moscow Boulevards» Textbook and Outdoor Lessons. Their Role In Developing A Foreign Student’s Secondary Linguistic Personality
In this article, the author introduces her own methodology aimed at development of a Secondary linguistic personality. Such personality assumes a second culture in the process of learning a new language. The methodology is based on the author’s interactive textbook dedicated to speech practice and subsequent Moscow outdoor lessons. It encourages a deep dive into the Russian culture and strengthening of learners’ motivation.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):182-186

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(3):187-191