Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
- Year: 2020
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1367
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2020-17-3
Full Issue
«Teploe dykhanie lichnosti»

Translingual Personality of a Scholar and Researcher: the 60th Anniversary of Prof. Zifa Kakbayevna Temirgazina
The article is devoted to the professional translingual personality of Dr. of Philology, Professor Z.K. Temirgazina who is a creative and ever-developing professional linguist and researcher. A short survey of her scientific research activities, the review of her main works, to speak about finally - the research school of linguistics help give evidence of her truly active and multidimensional work in the direction from monolingualism towards real translingualism which are both revealed in theoretical and applied planes. It’s obvious that in the professional sphere a linguist being a translingual scholar is able to understand better and deeper his own creative translingual self and entity, choosing as an object of the studies various languages involving in his professional competence. Simultaneously the article observes the innovative theoretical contribution of Prof. Z.K. Temirgazina to the studies of evaluation as a linguistic category as well as the studies in semantic syntax, the theory of speech activity, and linguistic gender studies. To sum up, there is surveyed the leading role of Prof. Z.K. Temirgazina to create the Kazakhstan linguo-axiological research school carried out during the latest two decades. Together with theoretical developments, the scholar pays much attention to the applied linguistic tasks, in particular, it concerns implementation and adaptation of polylingual; education at Kazakhstan secondary schools, and development of grammar literacy of schoolchildren by means of the Russian language.

Dolgan Invitation to the Tundra: the Artistic World of Ogdo Aksenova
The main purpose of the article is to analyze the poetic texts of Ogdo Aksenova, who is sole representative of the Dolgan national literary tradition. The main themes, key motives and symbols of her artistic world (the image of the northern landscape, the image of the tundra, poetic variations on the theme of the seasons, etc.) are established, the ethnocultural originality of the poetic discourse (linguistic levels of expressiveness, realities of Dolgan culture) is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the genre of the song, which has folklore and mythological roots. It is emphasized that in separate collections and works the boundaries between the author’s and folklore are blurred. The article assesses the quality of the literary translation of the texts of the Dolgan poetess into Russian. The work of O. Aksenova is of great research interest from the point of view of identifying specific mechanisms of the formation and development of “minority” literature.

Post-Colonial “Writing Back”

Concept of Memory and National Image of the World in Literary Texts of Alexander Kahn
A fairly common trend in the global literary process is when writers - representatives of their nation and their culture - live outside their historical homeland. The search for answers to the most important questions of our time and the challenges of globalization in relation to the ethnocultural world concern each of them. A. Kahn’s work reveals how opposition of ‘one’s own’ versus ‘the other’ conveys the national image and national attitude. The principle of equality and recognition of the other as an equal to oneself is the basis of dialogue. Novels and essays by A. Kahn are largely autobiographical and aim at understanding the path of the compatriots, their mission on earth. The path of national literature in the mind of A. Kahn is from the literature of despair through the literature of longing and overcoming to the endless great literature of a great heart.

Translingual Literary Text: on Problem of Understanding
The given study covers an actual interdisciplinary issue - Russian language, post-Soviet Russian literature in particular, that includes the “otherness” of multiple ethnic cultures and creates unique images of the world. In the modern conventional sense, culture is replaced by transculture - a space of interaction and mutual repulsion, intertwinement, constellation, overlapping, flowing of cultures into one another. These processes have no and can’t have any solidified, final forms that would be determined once and for all. Therefore, the works created in the aesthetics of transculturation are always unique, be it a literary text, a musical message or a silent arthouse short film speaking the language of negative space. We believe that a transcultural episteme should be used in the process of new thinking formation. A person without any developed pragmatic presupposition is deprived of explanatory knowledge and becomes a victim of the information manipulation embedding a model of confrontational perception of the Other into the collective consciousness. By the given work, we would like to demonstrate a method of working with higher-school students that we called Immersion Reading. Using the works by Russian Germans (in particular, E. Seifert and G. Belger), we describe the stages of reader’s immersion into a literary work step by step (context verticalization, hermeneutic comment creation, stages of typification and differentiation of texts within a chosen paradigm, synthesis) and then bring up the results of our work with students and doctoral candidates of Russia and Kazakhstan for discussion within “Literature and Globalization”, “Intercultural Communication in Art Dimension” lecture courses (author of the courses - Bakhtikireeva, U.M.).

Elegy and Elegy Mode of Artistry in the Poetry of Rob. Akhmetzyanov and I.A. Kushner
The article is devoted to the examination of elegy features and elegy mode of artistry in Russian and Tatar poetry of 70-80’s XX century. The actual basis of the research is formed by A. Kushner’s poems, modern Russian poet and Robert Akhmetzyanov, known Tatar lyric of the XX century. It is stated that elegy was not included in the circle of traditional Tatar poetry genres (wider - oriental), its’ genetic roots are bound with other forms like “marsiya”. The author comes to the conclusion, that poetic cycle “Kozge elegiyalar” (“Autumn elegies”) by Rob. Akhmetzyanov fully depicts the identity of Tatar artistic consciousness, its’ literary identity, reflecting in its’ ability to correlate its’ deep experiences with poem form and with its’ architectonic principles. The comparative analysis has shown that subjective and objective in Rob. Akhmetzyanov’s elegies exist in a different, less expressive form of contradiction than in the Russian elegy tradition, which is marked by the connection of the Tatar poet’s artistic way of thinking with folk poetry. Particularly, in the lyrical cycle the author resorts to paired images, like “ike alma” (“two apples”), which also appear in the Tatar song. The research proved that Rob.Akhmetzyanov’s creativity can be considered as “catalyst” of elegy in the national literature of the XX century: elegy form and its’ techniques contributed to the genre recognizability, more than that, elegy became the field of representation of the avant-garde spirit of the Tatar author’s creativity. In the A.Kushner’s poetry elegy and idyllic interact in the same lyrical plot, thus transforming the stable features of the genres mentioned and their modality (“Ukhodit leto” (“The summer’s leaving”), “Mne kazhetsya” (“It seems to me”) etc.

Syntactic Transformations in Russian Translations of A. Kadiri’s Novel “Past Days”
The compared languages (Uzbek and Russian) belong to languages of different grammatical structure, which has a decisive theoretical and practical significance in the cognition of linguistic phenomena. The grammatical structure of these languages is determined by the nature of their syntax and morphology. Differences in languages at different levels of their system cause translation difficulties. This is the reason for the use of syntactic transformations in the translation process. The article analyzes syntactic transformations - transformations of the structure of a sentence or one syntactic type of sentence into another, based on the material of Russian translations of A. Kadiri’s novel “ Past Days”. It is shown that transformations occupy an important place in literary translation, since it is often impossible to use correspondences from dictionaries. With the help of transformations, it is possible to change the internal form of lexical units or replace one or another syntactic structure for an adequate transfer of content. Based on factual material, the influence of lexical, grammatical and stylistic factors on the methods of interlingual replacement, means of compensation, various transformations, including syntactic transformations, is considered.

Creolized Text as a Polylingual Phenomenon
In oral speech communication is advisable to distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication channel. The verbal channel is served by the sounds of a particular ethnic language, with which the meanings of words formed in another ethnic culture are associated. The verbal channel broadcasts non-linguistic signs: height, strength, pace, rhythm of the speaker’s voice. These signs, used intentionally or unintentionally, carry, regardless of the semantics of language means, non-verbal information about the speaker, about his attitude to the interlocutor, to the subject of communication, to the speaker himself. The study revealed the contribution of the speaker’s gender to the quality of the sounding (spoken) text in comparison with the qualities of the same text in written performance.

Multilingual Internet Space and Teaching Foreign Students the Russian language in Higher Education
The article is devoted to the consideration of teaching Russian to foreign students in the context of the growing popularity of the social network Instagram as an attractive learning environment that offers a variety of online services for Russian students. Particular attention is paid to foreign sites of the Russian language, which count from hundreds of thousands to a million or more views. This allowed, on the one hand, to identify the reasons for their relevance, and on the other hand, to reveal the underutilized potential of pedagogical discourse, which suggests 1) the “human dimension” of educational activity; 2) the attitude to the student as a person with his/her own “project” of selfdevelopment and 3) a certain epistemological position of the observer.

Considering the Impact of Changing Alphabet on Education
The article is an experience of understanding the impact of changing alphabet on the educational process. Scientific interest in this issue is due, first of all, to long discussions about the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Cyrillic to Latin script, which have been particularly relevant since 2015. The issues of changing the alphabet were the focus of both scientific study and discussion by various segments of society, both in the country and abroad. This year, 2020, has put on the agenda one of the main issues for the entire modern world - the fight against the global pandemic and pushed to the background the problem of switching to a new schedule. This allows us to confirm the opinion of some researchers about the change of script as a political project than another one. However, a number of issues are still being discussed. What will be the consequences of switching to an another script? Will the changing improve the country’s intellectual potential? Will it increase the country’s competitiveness? And this is only part of the question. There are no clear answers to the question about the impact of changing script on the educational process.

“Overboard”: Interview with Madina Tlostanova

Kakomicli and Lady Azyoma (Flotsam and Jetsam Novel’s Chapter)