Syntactic Transformations in Russian Translations of A. Kadiri’s Novel “Past Days”
- Authors: Khidirova G.N.1
- Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
- Issue: Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 375-384
- URL:
- DOI:
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The compared languages (Uzbek and Russian) belong to languages of different grammatical structure, which has a decisive theoretical and practical significance in the cognition of linguistic phenomena. The grammatical structure of these languages is determined by the nature of their syntax and morphology. Differences in languages at different levels of their system cause translation difficulties. This is the reason for the use of syntactic transformations in the translation process. The article analyzes syntactic transformations - transformations of the structure of a sentence or one syntactic type of sentence into another, based on the material of Russian translations of A. Kadiri’s novel “ Past Days”. It is shown that transformations occupy an important place in literary translation, since it is often impossible to use correspondences from dictionaries. With the help of transformations, it is possible to change the internal form of lexical units or replace one or another syntactic structure for an adequate transfer of content. Based on factual material, the influence of lexical, grammatical and stylistic factors on the methods of interlingual replacement, means of compensation, various transformations, including syntactic transformations, is considered.
About the authors
Gulnora N. Khidirova
Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Teaching Methods
21-a, Kichik Halka Yuli Str. G-9A, Tashkent, 100138, Republic of UzbekistanReferences
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