Vol 16, No 4 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 18
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1271
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2019-16-4
Full Issue
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Text Creolization as the Way to Change the Text Perception
The article presents the findings of the psycholinguistic experiments based on the semantic differential technique. The experiments’ objective was to identify the effect of illustration on a verbal text perception. We compared the respondents’ assessment of verbal texts and illustrated texts (with illustrations in major and minor color schemes). The data analysis reveals seven factors: Assessment , Naturalness , Strength , Imagery , Romanticism , Dynamism , Commonality . We identified the illustrations parameters affecting the assessment of creolized texts: adding any illustration, the illustration color scheme matching the verbal text content, the color scheme naturalness, the illustration color scheme matching the text emotional and semantic dominant, the use of minor color scheme. The most pragmatic potential was identified in the parameter “(non)matching the color scheme with the semantic dominant of the text” (it is important for the assessment of five out of seven factors). We found that both conformity ( Strength factor assessment) and inconsistency (for Dynamism , Imagery , Romance , Evaluation factors assessment) can be significant. The text creolization increases its Imagery and changes Romanticism factors. The color scheme matching the image content increases the text Naturalness assessment, and an unnatural color scheme decreases it. There was a decrease in Assessment if a minor color scheme was used.

Correlation between Understanding of Lexical Units and Mental Images Represented by Them (Theoretical-Experimental Research)
This theoretical and experimental research paper focuses on the effect of both perception and memory images on word meaning of the image-verbalizing lexical unit. The research is aimed at solving the problem of speech act processing. Using such notions as perception, memory and representation images pave the way for better understanding of the non-verbal basis of thinking during analysis of thought verbalization, thus, setting the problem of dependence of understanding the same lexical unit that exteriorizes different mental images. To prove the hypothesis that there is a link between understanding and mental images verbalized by the same lexical unit, the authors conducted an experiment. Such a verification can be performed only using psychosemantic methods. Psychosemantic methods provide the researcher with the material for analysis of everyday consciousness, thus shedding light on the in-depth evaluation criteria of the objects in question. The basis for effective use of experimental psychosemantic methods was laid by a simple mathematical model of an individual consciousness called semantic space. The overall conclusion of this research is the following: characteristics of mental images lexical unit depend on the following factors: the type of the text, the type of formed mental images and also on the type of graphic images provided to respondents.

Discourse Marker well and Functional Approach to its Translation into Russian in Film Subtitling and Dubbing
The article is concerned with pragmatic functions of the discourse marker well in film dialogues and the means of its functional translation into Russian in subtitles and dubbing. A number of linguistic and extralinguistic parameters are used for a thorough contextual analysis of each occurrence of well in 11 feature films made between 1997 and 2017. The analysis results in identifying the following textual: floor-gaining, arranging topic shifts, indicating dialogue frames, contraposition, justification, clarification, repair and quotation - and interpersonal functions of well: prompting, hesitation, evasion, emphasis and humility. The article continues with a qualitative and quantitative account of translation decisions for the discourse marker well in subtitles and dubbing. For every textual and interpersonal function of well, we establish functional equivalents and assess the proportion of marker omission and the proportion of functional losses. Finally, the subtitled and dubbed versions are compared in terms of the proportion of marker omission and the proportion of functional losses. The conclusion is drawn on the apparent correlation between the degree of functional equivalence achieved in translation of well, on the one hand, and technical and textual constraints of both subtitling and dubbing, on the other.

Post-Colonial Theory and Literature: Sources and Problems of Development (a New Identity of a Post-Colonial Subject and Author)
The main aim of the article is to consider major works related to the development of post-colonial theories as well as literary sources. The term “post” is considered together with main vectors in the development of Anglophone, Francophone post-colonial literature. In relation to the historic view of colonies existence main tendencies in the development of imperial and anti-imperial theories are considered including those of Fanon, his view of the three-level development of the identity of the colonized and psychic problems that are encountered in the process of this development. F. Fanon looks at the first level of colonial assimilation, which inevitably brings to the second phase, the phase of change and distruction which then is followed by the stage of the author’s identity restoration by means of coming back to the cultural traditions and struggle during which the subject of the colony starts his struggle against the oppressed. Main views of E. Said and his views on orientalism are discussed which aim at striking at the roots of the binary opposition the west and the east proposed by white male critics. Instead a more subtle view is suggested. The views of G. Spivak and a more feminist approach are considered as well as the works by Homi Bhabha applying a more lacanian approach to hermeneutics, the views that form a new identity pattern observed in post-colonial literature thus maintaining a completely different view of post-colonial fiction.

Image Field of Ship: a Cultural Phenomenon of Western-European Literature
The article is devoted to the analysis of such a cultural phenomenon of the Western-European literature as the mythopoetic image of Ship. An important part of Western-European literature, with the course of time Ship has transformed into its topoi. The article gives the analysis of the use of such terms as ‘topoi’ and ‘image field’ in connection with the image of Ship; it introduces two new terms which reveal a unique character of the image content and peculiarities of its functioning in literature - ‘generative image field’ and ‘topoi-gene’; it also represents the components constituting the image field of Ship.

Poetry of A. Bakkuev: the Evolution of Creative Consciousness
This paper first discusses the poetry of Artur Bakkuev. A.I.Bakkuev is one of the modern Balkar writers, whose poetry develops along the lines of the Karachay-Balkarian classical tradition. The genre originality in his literary laboratory is represented by philosophical, religious, civil, landscape, love lyrics. As part of the study, an analysis of his creative path is carried out: from the inception of the activity to the professional “maturity”. The author also examines the problem of the evolution of the writer’s self-consciousness formed in the context of historical and cultural processes at the junction of the XX-XXI centuries. The purpose of this work is to identify the individuality and the definition of poetic and stylistic features that characterize the artist’s originality in contemporary realities. The author reveals the transformation of the genre-style system, as well as the changes that have occurred in the semantics of the poetic text in the context of the evolution of creative consciousness. Comparative, descriptive and textual methods of analysis were used in the work.

Chinese Literary Scholars about the Novel “Doctor Zhivago” by B. Pasternak: Narrative Characterization
The article deals with the peculiarities of the interpretation of the artistic features of the novel by 1. Pasternak in the studies of Chinese literary scholars. It is stated based on the analysis conducted by the author that the narrative structure, artistic space, time and composition are the most important characteristics of the work. They ensure a perceptual unity of the artistic world. At the same time, these categories are inextricably linked, they define and reveal each other, create a complex system of relationships between characters, images, events, places, and artistic reality as a whole. We conclude that the complex narrative structure of B. Pasternak’s novel allows several levels of its reading. The connection of narratology phenomena is revealed: the event and the motive, and the internal intrigue of the whole narrative.

Translingual Imagination
Preface of Honorary Editor

A Forgotten Translingual Pioneer: Elizaveta Kul’man and her Self-Translated Poetry

Yone Noguchi’s Impersonation in “The American Diary of a Japanese Girl”

Frontierwhorlroamer: Eugene Jolas’s Cosmopoetics

Reading War and Peace as a Translingual Novel

Nationalism and Monolingualism: the “Language Wars” and the Resurgence of Israeli Multilingualism

Bilingual education
Reading Translingual Literary Text in Polycultural Audience
This article offers a technique for working with translingual literature in a multilingual audience. The object of analysis - Russophon text - is considered as a meeting place for languages and cultures, the elements of which can be explicated in the presence of the necessary background knowledge. The author cites as an example a joint reading with the students of the novel cycle of the famous Kazakhstan writer A. Zhaksylykov - a multi-level artistic whole that can be deciphered adequately only within the framework of the translingual approach. The purpose of the article is to help specialists choose a methodology for interpreting the text in which the analysis could become productive.

The Great Experimenteter, or The Return of A.M. Peshkovskij (Thinking about the Book)
The review article is devoted to the reception of works by A.M. Peshkovskij on the problems of linguistics, methodology of teaching Russian language, poetics and stylistics, published in the first third of the twentieth century and is now inaccessible to readers. The author analyzes the new collection of works by A.M. Peshkovskij, prepared by Professor O.V. Nikitin, who for many years studied the life path and creative heritage of the famous linguist. Special attention is paid to the novelty of the presented material, a wide thematic selection of articles. The facts of the biography of the Peshkovskij family are considered and supplemented. It is spoken about the originality of creative thinking by philologist. The theoretical significance of his works in the XXI century in the field of methodology of analysis of linguistic facts and formulation of linguistic experiments is noted. The article substantiates the relevance of the views of the scientist in the hermeneutic space of the humanities. Its role in modern Russian transcultural practices in linguistics and linguodidactics is also mentioned.

I Interuniversity Seminar “Russia and China: Literary Receptive Aesthetics”, October 3, 2019, Moscow