This paper first discusses the poetry of Artur Bakkuev. A.I.Bakkuev is one of the modern Balkar writers, whose poetry develops along the lines of the Karachay-Balkarian classical tradition. The genre originality in his literary laboratory is represented by philosophical, religious, civil, landscape, love lyrics. As part of the study, an analysis of his creative path is carried out: from the inception of the activity to the professional “maturity”. The author also examines the problem of the evolution of the writer’s self-consciousness formed in the context of historical and cultural processes at the junction of the XX-XXI centuries. The purpose of this work is to identify the individuality and the definition of poetic and stylistic features that characterize the artist’s originality in contemporary realities. The author reveals the transformation of the genre-style system, as well as the changes that have occurred in the semantics of the poetic text in the context of the evolution of creative consciousness. Comparative, descriptive and textual methods of analysis were used in the work.