Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 16
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1054
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8011-2018-15-1
Full Issue
Goal Setting in Russian Language Teaching-Learning and Motivational Textbook as a Way to Achieve the Goal
The article distinguishes the notions of “communication” and “obshchenije” as relevant for determining the aim of Russian language teaching and learning. Reasoned choice in favour of “obshchenije” allowed to formulate the aim of teaching that reflects author’s holistic outlook on teaching-learning process. This outlook is based on phenomenological theory of personality and determines the choice of educational learning models, including methods, forms and tools to achieve the goal. Strong and sustained motivation is what cements all the components. The article outlines the features of motivational textbook that forms intention to study language and aimed at a continuous stimulation of obshchenije.

Linguo-Didactic Opportunities for Using Associative Rows in the Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language
This article presents the latest approaches to the study of the Russian as a foreign language, including cultural studies in linguistics and methods of psycholinguistics. The material of the associative experiment, conducted with 50 recipients of different age groups, presents the results of reactions to the word-stimulus “war” in Russian, Azerbaijani and English. Our comparative analysis of the content of the presented concepts has shown that in different linguistic pictures of the world they are filled with various connotations. These conclusions can have value in the process of intercultural cooperation.

Pedagogical Status of Migrant Children in the Russian-Speaking Educational Environment
The problems of adaptation of childrenmigrants coming to Russia from near and far abroad do not lose their relevance in the context of increasing flows of migration in the world in general. In order to study the adaptation of children coming with their parents, we will highlight one of the important aspects - the introduction of such children in the educational process. In the course of the research, the data of the Department of Migration Accounting for the Astrakhan region were used, classes were attended in general educational institutions, the manuals and educational programs of schools receiving children who do not know Russian as a native language were analyzed. An analysis of the material indicates a methodological deficit for such children, the need to take into account the polyethnic composition of students in the educational standard, according to which the educational process of Russian-speaking schools is organized.

Russian Language in Polylingual Educational Context (on the Example of Multinational Classes of Irkutsk Secondary Schools)
The article is devoted to the problems of teaching Russian as a foreign language in secondary schools of the city of Irkutsk. One of the tasks of the modern teacher is not only the formation of pupils-migrants’ language competence, along with the native Russian language and its adaptation in the framework of Russian culture. The aim of the study is to search for new methodological techniques in the training of migrants in the school of multinational group of students in the absence of a language-intermediary.

The Theme of Russian Patriotism at the Lectures on Literature in a Foreign Audience
The article reviews the sources of the modern Russian patriotism and retraces the stages of its forming in Russian literature according to historical, political and social events of the first half of the XIXth century. The authors of the article accentuate the patriotic theme in literary works by A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Gogol, and analyse some texts of these writers. Topicality of these article’s theme is dictated with erroneous understanding the causes of the Russian victories in the Patriotic war of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War by foreign students.

Specifics of Formation of Secondary Language Personality in the Case of Subordinative Bilingualism (on the Example of the Russian-Korean Comparisons)
The main points of view on the problem of bilingualism are considered in the article. The theoretical part of the work contains the most significant research positions in relation to this phenomenon. The practical part presents the results of an associative survey to identify the process of formation of a secondary linguistic personality among Korean-Russian and Russian-Korean subordinate bilinguals. Associative stimulus was the words of the thematic group “Time” (“long ago”, “recently”, “soon”, etc.). Respondents were subordinate bilinguals (B2 and higher). The results of the experiment suggest that in the consciousness of subordinate bilinguals (level B2 and higher), an intensive process of formation of a secondary associative system and a secondary linguistic personality begins.

Stability and Variability of Ethno-Cultural Stereotypes Transformations (On the Material of Associative Experiment “The Chinese in Russian Imaginary”)
The article investigates the stabile and variable character of ethno-cultural stereotypes about the Chinese in Russian popular consciousness during ten years. The research material was obtained from two ways. First, relying on the method of O.A. Leontovch the first material was obtained in the experiment from Russian speakers. In 2007 the Government of Russia had taken a questionnaire named as “The China and Russia” and gotten much information; the results are included in this paper. We’ve chosen the one question answer to be second section of our research. By comparing materials of 2007 and 2017, we can make the conclusions: 1) ethno-cultural stereotypes involve good and bad judgment about Chinese people; 2) they are stabile; 3) as time goes by new stereotypes come up; 4) between stereotypes there are causal relationship and contradiction. So, for promoting intercultural communication, we should deeper investigate the problem of stereotype.

Interlinguocultural Approach from the Position of Contact Variantology
Many scholars tend nowadays to agree with the statement that English language is diversified because of globalization and that it is represented by a number of varieties. In this connection, the problem of interactions between various languages and cultures is widely discussed today. This is reflected by the fact that there are a lot of newly introduced approaches in linguistics, for example, interlingaculturology and variantology. In order to compare these two approaches the author of this article tried to regard some of the processes that take place when these approaches are used and to give the explanation that is provided by these approaches to clarify the processes. Material for the research is majorly taken from the work by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” in English translation. The result of the research showed that there is a contradiction between the two approaches. The author suggests a new communication model that allows to clearly see the point of contradiction. Moreover, there is a new understanding of what variety is presented in the article. Also, it is suggested by the author to look at the variantology approach from the position of synergetics, which is a rather unique twist is this discipline.

Verbal Influence and Verbal Manipulation (Based on the Data of the Associative Experiment)
The article is devoted to the problem of manipulative influence of advertising texts on the teenager’s language consciousness. The paper considers the influence of advertising on the associative behavior of subjects, as well as on the assimilation of keywords of the advertising text and the formation of stable images of adolescents’ consciousness. The experiment was conducted on the basis of modern television videos. As a result, we came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of advertising depends on a number of factors, including the channel of influence on the recipient. For television advertising is typical the frequency of keywords or a set of tools, thematically related to the keyword.

Features of Creating the Verbal Image of Belarusian Politician (on the Example of Candidates’ to Parliament Speeches)
In the modern political system of Belarus the debates genre has appeared in public life of the country quite recently. The analysis of views, attitudes and beliefs of politicians is not only the special interest of political science but also of speech practice which gives a complex data to identify the image formation features of a politician’s speech. The article presents interdisciplinary approach to the verbal image phenomenon, including political linguistics, linguistics of conflicts, linguistic identity as the methodological basis. The analysis of political concepts, myths, frames of ordinary consciousness that form implicite basis of image-texts helps us to describe tactics and strategies, using by Speaker for impressinf His/Her Audience. The examples of TV debates, candidates’ speeches in other media have been taken from the latest election campaign in Belarus.

Diachronic Analysis of the Value Success
In the article the content of the value “success” was revealed in the axiological consciousness of Russian people in the diachronic aspect. The analysis is performed on the basis of psychosemantic experiment held by Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The experiment data represents polling of three different generations of culture-bearers: people who’s age are 20, 40 and 60. The experiment results are represented in Diagrams. The psychosemantic analysis did not reveal a significant diversity in evaluation of the value by the generation that were socialized in different periods, but the cluster analysis showed some diversity in the content of the value “success”.

Nomination as the Way of Identification of a Character in I. Abuzyarov’s Prose
The study is devoted to the work of the contemporary Russian writer I. Abuzyarov, whose prose reveals the interaction of the traditions of Russian, European and Eastern cultures. This interaction is shown at the level of the world created in works of an image, their subject and composite structure, the existential and subject organization, figurative system, etc. The problem of interaction of different national traditions in an esthetic field of Russian-speaking literature which status causes discussions in modern literary criticism, is up to date. The research is in a context of the ideas of transculturality and productive cultural “hybridism” which are actively developed in foreign and Russian literary criticism. Theoretically significant and not studied in the concrete historical plan aspect - research of the sphere of characters and system of their nominations is chosen. Two main ways of designation of the characters used by the writer which correspond to two concepts of the personality are defined and come from the genre nature of works and the principles of the organization of their subject sphere.

New Internet Poetry as a Space of Language Games
The article deals with a word game phenomenon in the space of the Internet poetry. The aim of the paper is to identify the most common types of word (in general - language) games that affect the morphological level of language. In the focus of our study are different modifications of morphological norms in the Internet poetry texts posted on Stihi.ru and Graphomanam.NET (free publication sites). On the basis of the obtained data, the most frequent transformations are identified, including contextual change in the word morphological characteristics, distortion of categorical features and creation of atypical non-morphological word-building models.

Vitality of the Russian Language and Russian-Language Literature
With this article we attempt to understand the vitality/viability of the Russian language through the prism of Russian-language (translational) literature, created by non-Russian origin authors. By vitality, we mean the language’s ability to survive, develop, maintain its systemic-typological properties. According to sociolinguists, the vitality of any language is measurable. There is a number of parameters: socio-political, socio-demographic, linguistic, socially-functional, national-cultural. The present work is focused on a special parameter for measuring the vitality of the Russian language - Russian-language literature. In our opinion, Russian-language literature (alternative definition - translational literature) is a complex interaction of two (or more) language systems, producing a semantically and structurally enriched literary field. The corpus of translational art texts is a database that accumulates and develops the potencies of the Russian language. Main methods: deductive and evaluation-descriptive.

Word code
This discussion took place on December 3-6, 2017 in Karlovy Vary. Its initiator was the foundation “Culture”, headed by O.O. Suleimenov, a well-known poet and authoritative thinker of our modernity. Participants of the Polylogue were scientists from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Doctor in Philology, Professor Bakhtikireyeva U.M., Doctor in Philology, Professor Valentinova O.I., Director of the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Dikhtyar S.V., PhD in Philology Valikova O.A.), Uzbek State University of World Languages (Doctor in Philology, Professor Dzhusupov M., Ph.D., Senior Researcher Ismailov G.M.), Eastern Institute of St. Petersburg State University (PhD in Turkology Dubrovina M.E.). The central theme of the discussion was the concept of O.O. Suleimenov about a new approach to etymology as a science. On the example of several time slices, the author reconstructs the routes of movement, phonetic modifications (in some cases - transformations) and word resemantization, citing illustrations and arguments from his own researches and observations.

Utro etimologii (novello)