Preliminary data of an investigations of the influence weather factors on hemodynamics in patients with arterial hypertension and ischmic heart disease in traditional therapy and complex therapy with melaxen

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There were investigated two randomized groups, suffering from arterial hypertension (AH) and ischemic heart disease (IHD), received traditional therapy (TT) and complex therapy (CT) with including melaxen (Unipharm, USA). All 31 pts registered arterial blood pressure (BP) and HR in the morning and evening. Correlation analysis was realized between hemodynamic data and weather factors, obtained from IZMIRAN. There were found 64 significant correlation in a group with TT. Atmosphere pressure, temperature, div point were influense in bigger grad in the group with TT. Sencitivity was the most to HR, registered in the morning and evening. Including melaxen in a dose of 3 or 6 mg produced decreasing number of correlations till 35. Melaxen caused reduction of influence of temperature on hemodynamics. There was not found an influence of dew point, direction and velocity wind on same status as dew point, direction and velocity of wind on status in cardiovascular system.

About the authors

R M Zaslavskaya

City clinic hospital N 60

Email: <>
City clinic hospital N 60

E A Shcherban

Belgorod state university

Belgorod state university

S I Logvinenko

Belgorod state university

Belgorod state university

M M Tejbloom

MSC, Solidary for life

MSC, Solidary for life


Copyright (c) 2009 Заславская Р.М., Щербань Э.А., Логвиненко С.И., Тейблюм М.М.

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