No 2 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 14
- URL:
On the Social Nature of Monotheistic and Ethnic Religions
The article presents criticism of a widely spread assertion of the progressive nature of the world's monotheistic religions. The author identifies the differences in understanding the social nature of religions in different cultures: religion as private faith; religion as the duty of respect towards the community, its Gods and ancestors; religion as the path of cognition. Ethnic religions are considered, primarily, as social ones; while metaphysical religions are viewed as religions of the elites.

Violence as a Cultural Phenomenon: Sociological Conceptualization and Analysis of Violence in Colombia
In this article the nature and features of violence are considered through the prism of national culture with the help of the phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches (attempting to construct the hermeneutics of violence). The proposed model requires a detailed study of a great number of signs, symbols and norms of culture in order to explain acts of violence, as well as to understand the limitations of various interpretations of violence as a socio-cultural phenomenon, which conditions an open nature of any studies of violence and multifold interpretation of the causes and essence of acts of violence in Colombian society.

The Method of Expert Judgment: A Historical Explication and the Modern Model
The methodological problems of the expert judgment method are examined in this article. The author describes the basic stages of forming and applying this method, and builds a model for cases of non-definable systems. The unique nature of the expert judgment method is substantiated while studying a special class of phenomena, which cannot be analyzed with other methods, including those considering the specific state of modern society.

A System of Empirical Characteristics in the Study of Ecological Awareness
The article is devoted to building a system of empirical characteristics, used in the study of the population's ecological awareness. The author considers various typologies and possibilities for the classification of the population's categories in terms of their awareness of ecological problems (environmental risks) on the basis of research conducted by Russian and German experts.

Social Activity in the Internet
The article reviews the definitions of social activity, existing in the scientific literature, and the author attempts to formulate his own definition so that subsequently, having described the specific nature of the virtual space on the basis of the latest studies of its Russian segment, it would be possible to propose a variant of the definition of social activity suitable for the analysis of the phenomena of interaction and communication in the Internet computer network.

Migrant Workers from Central Asia in Moscow: Adaptation Issues
The article is based on the results of the survey of migrant workers from Central Asia in Moscow and Moscow region. One of the key issues of the study was the degree of adaptation of migrants to life in the capital. The article discusses the issue both from the point of view of experts on labor migration and of the migrants themselves.

The Identity of Migrants from Russia of the First-Second and Third Waves (Examples of Germany)
The article represents an attempt in the format of qualitative sociological research aimed to compare the value-based (cultural) systems of communities formed by different migration waves. The key differentiating feature of the Russian diasporas is the specific basic identity and the purpose of residence outside the country of origin. The author points to the monopoly of the country of origin as a characteristic of identification; he also analyzes the possibility of rivalry, though not in a short-term perspective.

The Labor Market in Post-Reform Russia: the Role of Foreign Labor Force in Today's Russian Economy
The article is devoted to identifying and analyzing the factors which intensify migration to the RF and are conducive to expanding the practice of using foreign labor force, characteristic of employment in today's Russian economy. Special attention is given to the history and peculiar features of the formation and development of the current national labor market, as well as to its specific nature, resulting in the need to bring in workers from abroad. The authors point out that today the situation in the labor market in post-reform Russia is characterized by a number of negative trends in the sphere of forming labor resources, which can be overcome, among other things, by importing foreign workers. The authors also assess the economic and social effects of the presence of foreign labor migrants in the Russian labor market on the country's economy and society as a whole. Views on migration and migrants typical of Russian citizens are considered and analyzed.

The Peculiarities of Functioning of the Infrastructure in the Russian Big Cities (Study in Sterlitamak)
The development of the infrastructure in modern municipal entities is one of the most pressing problems of the Russian state. This article focuses on the analysis of the results of researches, which describe the characteristics of the infrastructure in big cities of Russia. The poor condition of urban roads, poor quality of health services, inefficient functioning of the culture and leisure complex - these problems are very important today for the population of big cities.

A Study of Organizational Culture in the Context of the Ethnometric Approach
The article describes the current areas of research in the field of national particular features and cross-cultural distinctions in the framework of the ethnometric approach. The author analyzes the following conceptions: G. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, F. Trompenaars' method of studying the cross-cultural interaction and types of organizational culture. Special attention is given to the World Values Survey project initiated by R. Inglehart and devoted to studying cultural particular features in different countries.

Models of Customer Behavior as a Basis of Marketing Strategy
The article is devoted to the analysis of six main models of customer behavior in contemporary society and the specific tasks of marketing departments of companies at today's stage of development. The given models take into consideration: motives for choosing a product, the degree of product awareness and independence of choice, the degree of customer satisfaction with the product, lines and possibilities of making an impact on customer choice through marketing and promotion stimulation. The author believes that these models may serve as a basis in the formation of effective marketing strategies, as they describe the customers in all the stages of their actions in the process of buying products, accumulating and analyzing the experience of using them.

The Interaction of Sociology and Statistics: The Concept and the Structure
The article is devoted to the basic notions of the theoretical and methodological idea of interaction between sociology and statistics, aligned with enhancing the efficiency of the research-educational and empiric resources of both sciences in the study of society.

Nations: Formation and Interest Dynamics
The article gives a brief description of historic conditions leading to the formation of nations, and on the basis of attributive features of a nation the set of national interests is identified. Considering national interests as a variable, the author stresses that they depend both on the wishes of ordinary people and on the ability of the state to streamline them in a constructive manner. National interests are classified according to their dynamic characteristics, and the special role of the state as the mouthpiece of national interests is pointed out.
