The Method of Expert Judgment: A Historical Explication and the Modern Model
- Authors: Zhuravleva VA1
- Analytical Centre «Video International»
- Issue: No 2 (2012)
- Pages: 28-38
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The methodological problems of the expert judgment method are examined in this article. The author describes the basic stages of forming and applying this method, and builds a model for cases of non-definable systems. The unique nature of the expert judgment method is substantiated while studying a special class of phenomena, which cannot be analyzed with other methods, including those considering the specific state of modern society.
About the authors
V A Zhuravleva
Analytical Centre «Video International»
Author for correspondence.
Отдел социологических исследований; Аналитический центр «Видео Интернешнл»; Analytical Centre «Video International»
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