The Identity of Migrants from Russia of the First-Second and Third Waves (Examples of Germany)
- Authors: Bazanov VA1
- Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich, Germany)
- Issue: No 2 (2012)
- Pages: 65-73
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article represents an attempt in the format of qualitative sociological research aimed to compare the value-based (cultural) systems of communities formed by different migration waves. The key differentiating feature of the Russian diasporas is the specific basic identity and the purpose of residence outside the country of origin. The author points to the monopoly of the country of origin as a characteristic of identification; he also analyzes the possibility of rivalry, though not in a short-term perspective.
About the authors
V A Bazanov
Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich, Germany)
Author for correspondence.
Калужский государственный университет; Университет Людвига-Максимилиана (Мюнхен, Германия); Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich, Germany)
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