Models of Customer Behavior as a Basis of Marketing Strategy
- Authors: Ivanova TA1
- Institute for economic strategies
- Issue: No 2 (2012)
- Pages: 110-118
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article is devoted to the analysis of six main models of customer behavior in contemporary society and the specific tasks of marketing departments of companies at today's stage of development. The given models take into consideration: motives for choosing a product, the degree of product awareness and independence of choice, the degree of customer satisfaction with the product, lines and possibilities of making an impact on customer choice through marketing and promotion stimulation. The author believes that these models may serve as a basis in the formation of effective marketing strategies, as they describe the customers in all the stages of their actions in the process of buying products, accumulating and analyzing the experience of using them.
About the authors
T A Ivanova
Institute for economic strategies
Author for correspondence.
(Отделение общественных наук РАН); Институт экономических стратегий; Institute for economic strategies
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