Belarusian family in the changing world

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In 2023, the Center for Sociological and Political Research of the Belarusian State University conducted a longitudinal sociological study “Family Formation, Stable Family Relationships and Fertility in the Changing Social-Economic Conditions” in the framework of the international project “Strengthening the Scientific and Educational Potential of the Republic of Belarus in the Field of Collection, Analysis and Use of Demographic Data to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”, implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and funded by the Government of the Russian Federation. The conceptual and methodological basis of the study is the international research program “Generations and Gender” launched in 2001. Based on the methodology of this program, the similar studies were conducted in 26 countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Norway, etc. The article presents the results of the second wave of the study, focusing on the current functional problems of the Belarusian family in the changing social-economic conditions: trends in family formation in the new life circumstances, criteria of stable family relations, and the evolution of social attitudes towards having children. The authors make conclusions about the dominant reproductive attitudes, the planned number of children, and changes in the family intergenerational relations. The results of the study will contribute to the development of additional measures to improve the state socialdemographic policy.

About the authors

A. A. Belov

Science and Technology Park LLC “EnCata”

Author for correspondence.
Pekinsky Prosp., 18, Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park “Great Stone”, Minsk Region,222210, Republic of Belarus

A. N. Danilov

Belarusian State University

Kalvariyskaya St.,9, Minsk,220004, Republic of Belarus

A. Yu. Denisov

Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific-Technical Sphere

Pobediteley Prosp.,7, Minsk,220004, Republic of Belarus

L. V. Filinskaya

Center for Sociological and Political Research of BSU

Akademicheskaya St.,25, Minsk,220072, Republic of Belarus


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Copyright (c) 2024 Belov A.A., Danilov A.N., Denisov A.Y., Filinskaya L.V.

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