In search for an optimal model of local self-government in the Russian Federation (sociological analysis)

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The search for an optimal model of local self-government that best reflects the interests of local communities has always been a pressing issue for the Russian Federation, since local government is closest to the population and is expected to solve most everyday problems. This issue is considered in the article based on the monitoring sociological studies conducted in the Krasnoyarsk Region as a micro-model of the Russian Federation according to many statistical indicators and sociological data. The results of the surveys allowed the author to make the following conclusions. First, the transition since 2010 to the indirect elections of heads of local government (“city-manager” and “council-commission” models) has not led to an influx of effective managers into power - heads of local government remain insufficiently effective and unpopular but win indirect elections provided the preliminary approval of their candidacies by the regional government. Second, the turnover among the heads of local governments has increased significantly: in half of the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Region, the heads elected in 2015 did not work until the end of the period under consideration from six months to three years; therefore, 2, 3 or even 4 managers held the position of the administration head. Such early resignations were initiated mainly by the law enforcement agencies (every fifth head of local authorities was convicted under a criminal article) and regional authorities. Third, municipal leaders have lost popularity, so the municipal elections turnout has significantly dropped. Fourth, over a ten-year period, the acuteness of social problems that worry citizens has not been eliminated or at least reduced. Fifth, the population’s self-assessments of financial situation and social well-being have deteriorated. All this indicates the risks of losing legitimacy by local authorities in the large Siberian region.

About the authors

V. I. Zlotkovsky

Krasnoyarsk Branch of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Author for correspondence.
Markovskogo St., 81, Krasnoyarsk, 660017, Russia


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