
Problems of Commercialisation and Commercial Nomination of the Urbanonymic Landscape of Almaty
Rysbergen K.K., Pashan D.M., Sadyk D.A.
“Russian Idea” Ideologeme in the Russian Conceptual and Linguistic Pictures of the World
Starodubets S.N., Belugina O.V., Kolegova O.U.
Reconsidering the Definition of the Term
Grinev-Griniewicz S.V., Sorokina E.A., Molchanova M.M.
Semantic Core of the Concept “Human” in the light of Latin and Latinized Nominations
Volkov V.V.
The Term “Concept” in Cognitive, Semiologic and Discursive Research. Article 1
Fedulova M.N.
Semiological Principle in Describing the Plane of Content
Krasina E.A.
Linguistic Features of Quebec Anthroponymicon
Bolotina K.E.
Lexical Means of Verbalization of Uncertainty in the Arabic language on the example of Modern Best Sellers
Denisenko V.N., Kalinina N.S.
Zoometaphors as Linguocognitive Component of Cross-Cultural Communication: Russian-Turkish Comparative Study
Mamontov A.S., Moroslin P.V.
What is the Colour of the Feeling (A Case Study of English Idioms with Colour Components)
Pasechnik T.B., Savelieva I.G.
Timofeeva N.Y.
Lexical and Morphological Means of Colour Names Formation in Arabic
Zarytovskaya V.N.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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