
The phenomenon of Russian quotation: to the problem of methodological research
Yadrovskaya E.R., Dunev A.I.
Textual connections of the mythonyms in I.A. Bunin’s poetry
Selemeneva O.A.
Corpus explication of semantics of the dichotomous concept “Life - Death” in the Russian linguistic picture of the world
Lyi S., Polyakova E.V., Dzholdasbekova B.U.
Variability of Russian phraseological units with personal names
Kovshova M.L., Dronov P.S.
The precedent name V.I. Lenin in the Russian cultural space
Yan K.
Foreign humanitarian students’ perception of a precedent name in the Russian discourse
Sarycheva M.R., Derybina S.A.
The precedent phenomenon of “Crime and Punishment” in Russian media discourse
Chudinov A.P., Segal N.A.
The precedent context of Russian mass media discourse
Moiseenko L.V., Gervilla E.Q.
Features of newspaper headlines in the Russian-language press in Armenia
Martiryan N.I.
Framing as an instrument of news interpretation
Stetsenko N.M.
Precedent phenomenon in Twitter communication
Bulavina M.A.
The role of eponym-terms in the mathematical discurs (in German language)
Kakzanova Е.М.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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