The precedent name V.I. Lenin in the Russian cultural space


The relevance of the article lies in the need to identify the socio-cultural and national semantic components of the precedent name Lenin in the cultural space of Russian language native speakers. Studying precedent names is a key to describing and identifying cultural and national values of native speakers of a particular language. The purpose of the research is to consider and identify the cultural and national features of the perception and understanding of the name Lenin by native speakers of the Russian language. To achieve the research goal, descriptive and statistical methods, methods of observation, psycho-semantic and linguistic-cultural analysis were used. The material for the analysis was provided by etymological and encyclopedic dictionaries of the Russian language, the data of free association experiments from Russian Associative Dictionary, Siberian Associative Dictionary, the Russian Regional Thesaurus Dictionary, contexts with the name Lenin from modern Russian media, selected from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The novelty of the study is that it is for the first time that the semantics of the proper name Lenin in the Russian language is described, an associative field for the stimulus Lenin in the Russian language consciousness is constructed, cultural and national peculiarities of perception and understanding of the given name in the texts of modern Russian mass media are considered and identified, socio-cultural and national semantic components of the precedent name Lenin in the cultural space of Russian speakers are identified. The scientific significance of the research lies, on the one hand, in a preliminary attempt to apply linguoculturological and psycholinguistic approaches to analyzing precedent names in the Russian cultural space, and on the other hand, in the possibility of using the material in teaching theoretical courses of cultural linguistics, psycholinguistics and media linguistics, as well as in courses on the theory and practice of intercultural communication.

About the authors

Kai Yan

Sun Yat-sen University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8496-7216

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Faculty of the Russian Language, researcher at the Center for European Studies, Director of the Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies, School of International Translation


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