Vol 17, No 3 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-language-studies/issue/view/1206
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-8163-2019-17-3
Full Issue
Scientific Discourse: Scientist's Opinion
Contemporary Russian linguists: bibliometric analysis of publication activity and citation rate
Objective assessment of the results of scientific work, including the possibility of using the bibliometric (statistical, mathematical) assessment of publication activity, citation and, ultimately, the prestige of scholars, has been the subject of wide speculation in recent decades. The article presents the materials of a bibliometric analysis of publication activity and citation of well-known modern linguists, based on data from the Russian Science Citation Index. The article deals with bibliometric analysis of publication activity and citation rate of 25 contemporary Russian linguists according to the Russian Science Citation Index. The paper touches upon the ranking of Russian linguists by the number of publications and citations. This research examines the factors affecting citation rates: high prestige of relevant journals and publishers, involvement in leading research areas, carrying out scientific inquiries in top universities and academic research institutes.

Review Article
Word-building science in Russia in the XXI century
The article presents a review of scientific papers on word-formation and morphemics written in the beginning of the XXI century. Various aspects of modern word-formation science are examined: the study of morphemic and word-formation systems (derivational affixes, derived words, derivational types, methods of derivation, word-building nests) in structural-semantic, synchronic-diachronic, and dynamic aspects. Particular attention is paid to neology, which studies neologisms in socio-cultural, linguo-culturological and linguo-pragmatic aspects.

Actual Problems of Russian Language Studies
The Russian language legal discourse: offences сommitted verbally
The article dwells upon topical issues of the terminological space of the contemporary legal linguistics, namely the concept of the offence committed verbally which is actively used by researchers and practical experts. There is no generally accepted definition of this linguistic and legal category in contemporary scientific and methodological literature which results in variations in its understanding. The articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus were used as practical research material. The methodology of the article included the method of overwhole selection of the material and its statistic processing, discourse analysis, systematization and, partly, parameter, semantic and stylistic analysis. In the present paper, the verbal character of the offence is considered through the prism of evaluating the object of legal control which, for the considered type of offence, is the text in the widest sense. This approach is to complete the terminological lacuna and to prevent the emergence of duplicating notions (for example, verbal crime). Accent, which is made on the object component of the misdemeanor, makes it possible to identify three types of such offences, committed: 1) mainly verbally (they dominate in criminal law); 2) often verbally (quite frequent but twice as rare as the first type mentioned in the Criminal Code); 3) verbally (quantitatively compared to the second type). The research findings are considered to be significant for the development of the terminology apparatus of legal linguistics on the whole and linguistic and legal expert studies in particular.

Russian speech and its real initial units
The article is devoted to the main questions of Russian speech: its creation, initial units and their perception. It consequently demarcates linguistic spheres of language and speech and their units. It is reasonable to differentiate the study of language and the study of speech as two linguistic disciplines distincting in their nature, character and units’ designation. The author identifies units of oral and written forms in speech, and its minimal non-discrete unit - syntagma. The topicality of the article lies in theoretical and practical meaning of a syntagma as an initial speech unit, its role in forming and developing all types of speech activity. The aim of the article is to define the real structure of speech and the basic unit of its creation. It is proved that the real structure and initial speech components are better revealed due to its author’s delimitation. It is asserted that intonation for the speaker is a way to interpret the content, and for the addressees it is a means of its identification: the speaker clearly differentiates all initial components of his speech with the pauses, and the listeners explicitly understand their meaning. The author of the article correlates written speech units and oral speech units, reveals typological features of syntagmas, demarcates syntagmas according to their form, structure, length, characterizes their relation to speech creation and perception, both oral and written forms. The stipulation of syntagmas activity in the speech is determined. Attention is paid to syntagmatic and sentence structures of the text. The pragmatic aspect of syntagma theory is highlighted.

Methods of teaching russian as a foreign language
Psychological and pedagogical course of teaching Russian as a foreign language: the stage of speech adaptation
The topicality of the article is determined by the need for systemic analysis of the structure and content of the modern communicative field, which not only defines the character of functioning of literary Russian language as a subject of study, but also triggers the formation of new mechanisms of acquiring knowledge. The aims of research are to identify and provide a scientific description of psychological and pedagogical components of linguodidactic strategy in Russian universities as a basis for multidimensional model of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the beginner stage. The methodological concept of the work is based on combining methods of complex theoretical description as well as socio-pedagogical, observational and diagnostic research, extrapolated to real educational process at the preparatory faculty. The article identifies the topical features of the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language, describes modern principles and basic conditions for effective teaching Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage, classifies basic factors determining linguistic and methodical vectors of pedagogical activity at the stage of speech adaptation , and denotes the vector of linguodidactic technologies and their components, focusing on students’ cognitive/communicative/axiological expectations. The results of the study and approbation of new methodological guidelines indicated that the proposed linguistic and methodical strategy ensures dynamic development of foreigners’ cognitive and creative abilities to self-education, which can form students’ multilingual and multicultural personalities.

Theoretical and methodological landmarks of an educational linguoculturological dictionary for foreign philologists
This article takes into consideration theoretical and methodological foundations of an educational linguoculturological dictionary for foreign students-philologists. The dictionary describes connotative lexical units representing the most important national codes of a linguistic culture. Special attention is paid to linguistic, methodological, and lexicographic understanding of a cultural connotation, including associative and evaluative potential of a word as its main component. Since cultural connotations determine the content of figurative language means (metaphors, epithets, stable comparisons etc.) as well as various literary texts, a vital task of educational lexicography is to help foreign students-philologists to get hidden cultural meanings of a word and thus to “read” the most significant cultural texts of the target language. The aim of this paper is to present a project of an educational linguoculturological dictionary allowing foreign philologists to master the connotative potential of Russian lexis step-by-step: from sematic, associative, and evaluative content to figurative means of various artistic texts. The research resulted in determining linguistic and methodological foundations of an educational linguoculturological dictionary for foreign philologists, as well as defining its structure and content. In the future, the authors plan to compile the full text and publish the dictionary. Interrelatedness of the major principles of educational lexicography (the principle of anthropocentricity realized in thorough consideration of the dictionary recipient specifics, principles of multidirectional selectivity and national orienteers), their connection with academic traditions of Russian lexicography and principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the whole can be seen as theoretical and methodological foundations of an educational linguoculturological dictionary. The main difference of the structure and content of an educational linguoculturological dictionary entry from that of a general-purpose dictionary entry is reflected, first of all, in the quantity and content of its major zones, based on a comparative study of semantic, associative, evaluative, figurative potentials of the vocabulary that articulate the most important national codes of a linguistic culture. It distinguishes 5 major zones of an educational dictionary entry: semantical-grammatical, associative and connotative, evaluative and connotative, figurative means of a language zone and the literary zone. A developed project of an educational linguoculturological dictionary allows to “decode” step-by-step the connotative potential of the culture-specific vocabulary and help foreign students to “read” the most significant cultural texts of the target language.

On the term “generalized personality” in a scientific text: linguodidactic approach
The paper applies the functional-communicative approach to study the meaning of generalized personality in scientific style, for purposes of teaching Russian as foreign language. A larger, than in traditional Russian grammar, perspective is proposed to define the concept of generalized personality. The relevance of this approach is determined by the importance of the skills in the sphere of scientific style of speech for communicative and professional competence of foreign language students. Different linguistic means expressing the generalized personality are described: generalized-personal sentences, passive and impersonal structures, infinitive subordinate clauses, sentences with subject containing generalized reference. It is appropriate from the perspective of didactics to study different structures expressing the generalized personality in scientific style on the system level. The paper suggests some didactic principles to develop systemic teaching of these means to foreign-language students: consequent introducing generalized personality models, systemic way of describing these models in scientific texts, concentricity. The research prospects are aimed at developing methods of didactic description of generalized personality means in different scientific genres.
