No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 28
- URL:

About the influence of the basic variants of the english language on the german language
The influence of the basic variants of the English language on the German language that includes the period from the 16th century, is analysed in the article. The author also touches upon the reasons of the influence of the English language on the German language.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):29-33

The time category as a mean of language system study
The article is devoted to category of time study. This issue has complex characteristic. It is an object of special analysis and is very essential in many kinds of science. It is also used in linguistic studies. The category understudy has primarily importance for systematic language study.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):34-38

Antropological character of metaphoric representations (based on a tree metaphor)
The article considers a tree metaphor and its representations in the English language. The key idea of the paper is that a tree metaphor is anthropological in its character and is mapped onto many spheres of human activity.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):39-43

Help of words «nenuzhnost»/ «state of being unwanted»
The main aim of this article is to investigate the linguistic conception of loneliness verbalized with the help of words «nenuzhnost»/ «state of being unwanted» in Russian and English consciousness and to compare the results of this research.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):48-54

The english language phraseosemantic personality attitudes' field
The article is dedicated to the English language phraseosemantic personality attitudes' field research and studying in the interrelationship of the linguistic, psycholinguistic and psychological aspects determining more profound and detailed personality attitudes' verbal description and more successful personality-oriented English language communication skills.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):59-64

Grammatical features of spanish advertising texts
This article is devoted to the grammatical features of Spanish advertising texts. System of advertisement language has several important characteristic features. The grammatical structure of radio commercials is one of the most important components of this system.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):65-69

Linguocultural analysis of etiquette formulas of congratulation in the russian language and in the pyrenean national variant of the spanish language
The article deals with linguocultural analysis of etiquette formulas of congratulation in the Russian language and in the Pyrenean national variant of the Spanish language which is of interest of both linguists and culturologists.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):70-77

Anglicisms in sports terminology in the spanish language
The article is dedicated to the problem of anglicisms in Sports terminology of the modern Spanish language, its evolution and periodization from the end of the 19th Century to present. A summation of the discussions regarding the formation of the common linguistic use, as well as the adaptation of borrowed linguistic terms and the normalization of the sports language, is presented.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):91-98

Survey of enlish language consultant-translators' training in humanities
The author presents a review of her professional experience in developing and implementing English language curriculum in the training of consultant-translators in Humanities. She focuses on a number of particular problems of adjusting the basic principles of PFUR's translator-training tradition to the present-day requirements and the possible ways of their solution.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):99-109

The role of editing in translating
It is discussed in this article the role of editing in translating process. On the one hand, though a translator is considered to be «alone fighter» in his activities, it is still impossible to keep all the extensive information in one mind. On the other hand, despite the rapid successful development of machine translation systems they have one considerable disadvantage - lack of feeling for language, without that the proper translation cannot be achieved. So for improving the linguistic quality of the translation, both traditional and computer, editing is required. Some means of editing are defined as well in the present article.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):115-120

To the question of computational linguistics
The article is dedicated to the computer technologies usage in teaching foreign languages to students of Universities to form the communicative competence of future specialists. Integration of new information technologies and traditional methods was described at formation of the basic skills of speech activity of students.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):121-125

The role of francophonie in the conditions of globalization
The article is devoted to the role of Francophonie in spread of the French language in the world, consolidation of the relationship between French speaking countries and resistance to negative influence of globalization.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):156-160

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(2):167-168