No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 26
- URL:
Specific linguistic means of establishing contact as particular textual and style units of breaking down monological standard: linguodidactic aspect
The linguodidactic aspect of forming dialogical competences are examined in terms of updating the system behind methodical work on the development of students’ ability to orally use special linguistic means of establishing contact that allow a monologue to be made into a dialogue.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):7-11

Components of professional competence of a Russian as a foreign language teacher
In the article the problems of forming of professional competence of teacher of Russian as a foreign language are examined, co-operation between a teacher and a foreign student in the period of education is also under analysis.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):12-17

The cognitive method in teaching Russian as a foreign language (on the example of teaching Russian pronunciation to foreign students)
In the article the ways of realization of cognitive method in the study process of Russian language pronunciation, the special features of teaching Russian phonetic system to Chinese students are observed, practical recommendations, samples of educational materials containing methods of presentation and types of exercises are suggested.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):18-21

Criteria of self-estimation in project activity of students at studying foreign language
In the article the question of self-estimation of students in a course and result of work on the project within the limits of foreign language lessons is considered. The self-estimation role is described; its main principles and the criteria making a basis of estimated activity are analyzed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):22-26

Competence oriented model of the examination in Russian language and culture of speech (for students of non-philological faculties)
The article analyzes the alternative competence based model of the examination in Russian language and culture of speech for students of non-philological faculties, innovative approach is justified for the examination as a means of evaluation of communicative competence; examples of measurement, test materials, specific tasks are also represented.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):33-39

The peculiarities of economic scientific texts in the process of communicative comprehension of the foreign students-economists on the preparative faculty
While teaching Russian as a foreign language for special purposes one should take into consideration the specification of scientific texts of economy, tips of there linguistic representation in order to help the foreign students to understand the information and to participate in the communication. Each register of the scientific language has its own peculiarities: types of texts, definitions, topics. Practical materials based on this specification can help the students to overcome the barrier of misunderstanding and they can get to the level of a nature speaker.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):40-43

Realization of modular training technology at the classes of foreign bachelors technical college (on the example of educational program «Russian as a Foreign Language»)
The modular training pedagogical technology and mark-rating system in the field of teaching Russian as Foreign Language (RFL) is presented in context of the Russian high professional education goals. The substantial, organizational and controlling components of the professional-communicative special training are demonstrated by the example of designing in the real educational program for the foreign bachelors of technical profile.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):52-57

Electronic didactics in teaching foreign languages
The present article is devoted to the development of theory and practice of training in foreign languages in an electronic format. The questions of creation of electronic tutorials, and also to development of electronic disciplines are raised.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):58-62

Forms of computer-mediated professional communication (on the problem of description)
The article is devoted to the analysis of such forms of professional communication as electronic discussion and Internet conference. The role of linguistic design in the process of formation of a cognitive model of web-page in thematic and pragmatic context of professional communication is revealed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):63-68

voy or moy: syntax, semantics, pragmatics
This paper discusses the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of Russian anaphors and possessive adjectives from the point of view of the Government and Binding Theory. Also here a distinction is drawn between acceptability and grammaticality in this case of language using.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):74-80

A comparative study of pronoun as an independent part of speech in Russian and Pashto languages
The author analyzes the pronouns in the Russian language and in the Pashto language. Pronouns are used differently in both languages because of the cases system: Russian has six cases while Pashto has three ones. Besides, there are no masculine and feminine possessive pronouns in Pashto unlike in Russian.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):81-85

The semantic correlation of the adverbs zrya, naprasno in the Russian language dictionaries and in contexts of speech communication
Through the intersection of the traditional and the systematic lexicography the semantics of the adverbs zrya and naprasno is considered, being registered in the Russian explanatory dictionaries, as well as in speech practice. The comparison of the linguocultural content of these lexemes in statics and dynamics, the analysis of their semantic correlation in paradigmatics allows to depict their meaning more precisely and to show that the meaning of a word is formed in its interaction with other members of a synonymous group.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):86-90

Russian borrowings in Tadjik language
The article is devoted to mutual influence of Russian and Tajik languages: to Russian-speaking loans in the Tajik language and to process of enrichment of Russian by the Tajik words in the territory of Tajikistan. Interference of two cultures finds reflection in informal conversation as the most mobile communicative sphere.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):91-95

Connotative aspect in portuguese phraseology
The article is devoted to the problem of connotations in the meaning of portuguese phraseologisms. The article gives an idea of the paradigm of connotations — expressive, emotional, evaluative overtones and cultural connotations. Cultural connotations are fragments of culture as universal and ethnic memory. The phraseologisms carry various cultural connotations. The category of body is important in the portuguese culture and is fixed in the code of phraseologisms.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):96-101

The general tendencies and specialties of formation of individual’s beginning in the East African literature
The present article describes the process of personality`s formation in the swahily literature in the firs part of XX century. The process is examined in the works of Shaaban Robert the well-known writer in all over the East Africa and who is known as a founder of the contemporary literature in the swahily language too. The genre of autobiography is appraised as a main one in the swahily literature of this period.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):102-106

For the sake of life on the Earth (about one aspect of A.T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Tyorkin”)
In this article the motive of life and death in the poem “Vasily Tyorkin”, ratio of these images and their role in definition of sense of life are considered. Features of Tvardovsky’s poetics in filling of these images are analyzed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):107-113

Linguoscientific dictionary as a new genre of educational lexicography (on the experience of the creation of the dictionary on histology for foreign medical students)
The article analyses the specificity of the educational dictionary on histology, the innovative approach to the analysis of terminological units for teaching purposes, examples of лингводидактической interpretation of histological terms.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):114-120

Thesaurus approach to the creation of educational terminological dictionary
The article deals with the potential of thesaurus approach to creation of educational terminological dictionaries of different scientific-educational fields. Latest achievements of educational lexicography, aims and goals of educational dictionaries are under analysis. The results of teaching Russian as a foreign language with the help of terminological educational dictionaries of thesaurus type are also characterized.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):129-134

Russian language manual for foreign students of medical faculty (I certificate TRFL level)
In the article main principles of creation of nationaly oriented Russian language manual for foreign students of medical faculty (I certificate TRFL level) are suggested. Professionaly oriented communicative tasks in the course of RFL and innovative manuals are analyzed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):135-140

Catherine Depretto “Le formalism en Russie”
The article is devoted to the book on the most interesting Russian Literary theories of the XX‘th — Russian Formalism and to particular aspects of the formalist’s theory and to the fate OPOYZ, Moscow Linguistic Circle (MLC) and the formalists themselves.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):141-144

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2013;(1):145-148