No 3 (2009)


English literature in the university curriculum: William Hazlitt's essay writing

Anossova O.G.


The given article presents one of the famous English essayists William Hazlitt. His stylistic achievements and variety of interests reflected in his essays could become a subject for a close reading at English classes.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Learning of metatext and intertextual transformations in dialog

Valipur А.Р.


The article deals with the problems of intertextual transformations, according to which all texts are analyzed in connection with great verification of textual meanings. Intertextual relations can help linguists to interpretate texts and explain the various colors of the words. Author pays special attention to the dialogs.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):10-14
pages 10-14 views

Conceptualization of grammatical facts

Kruchkova L.S.


The article is devoted to problems of conceptualization of grammatical facts which are reflected national world outlook of Russian bearers. In the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign it is expediently introduce the lexical versatilities of universal conceptual character. It has to assist the best students mastering and forming generalization semantics grammatical categories.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Gender and gender lacuna

Pavlyuk N.A.


The article deals with the problem of gender and ethnic connotation Russian, Lithuanian and Georgian.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Russian lexicon in first third and in the end of XX centuries (sociolinguistic parallels)

Shmelkova V.V.


The article considers some problems of lexicon in the contemporary literary Russian language in the beginning of XX centuries and in the end of XX centuries. The article considers active processes in the Russian language (i.e. lexical archaization and lexical dearchaization).
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Multimedia educational environment for speech etiquette training in studies of a language as native or foreign

Archangelskaya A.L., Kameneva O.V.


In this article is given an interpretation for the testing results of internet source «speech etiquette in tasks and situations» and a computer course «The speech etiquette high school» in the matter of studying Russian as a foreign a second native language. Here is revealed the forms and methods of work with multimedia speech etiquette study tools on the Russian lessons and in the after-training activities. In this article are also given some means of their collaboration with traditional tools of education.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):31-35
pages 31-35 views

The Internet technologies in the educational process of translators of scientific and technical texts

Alferova D.A.


For modern translators of scientific and technical texts the Internet technologies today are not only of a huge significance and interest but they have become more and more important for their profession. A first hand students' acquaintance with all the possibilities of using those technologies at different and verified stages of practical translator activities in this field will permit to give professional guidance to the whole educational process.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Russian in Senegal: current state

Baranchuk N.A.


Article is devoted the important questions of advancement of Russian in the Western Africa and to the analysis of an actual condition of studying of Russian in Senegal.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Characteristics of linguistic aspect of speech activity of students with different types of character

Valiulina V.R.


Many linguists and psychologists confirm that it is possible to define personal features on individual speech activity. The author of the article considers display of type of character in personal speech activity.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):45-47
pages 45-47 views

Linguistic situation of integration of migrant pupils to Russian system of education

Danilova M.V.


As a result of migration educational institutions encounter the rise of pupils badly speaking Russian. The immediate task is to teach migrant children state (Russian) language as the main instrument of their integration to Russian society.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Portfolio as a means of educational monitoring and individual progress assessment of foreign student on the basic level of the Russian language studies

Dunaeva L.A., Apakina L.V.


This article examines the efficiency of the portfolio technology as a means of educational monitoring and individual progress assessment (both in the matter of quality and quantity) of foreign student on the basic level of the Russian language studies. The portfolio technology provides the terms of partnership between teacher and student, which is really indispensable in the modern conditions of education. It produces an extra educational effect by developing such skills as: self-analysis, self-control and self-assessment. And it also motivates a student to reveal his (or her) creative skills, to start using earlier the language of his (or her) study in real situations of communication.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Core vocabulary and its use in the practical course of the Russian language

Pugachev I.A., Yarkina L.P.


As a result of the systems analysis of the vocabulary, developing the theme «weather» in comparison with general core vocabulary and words of high frequency, the authors suggest choosing lexical units for teaching purposes on the basis of their didactic expediency and the subject value.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Research of universal values in the aspect of intercultural linguistics

Siniachkin V.P.


The article is devoted to research of universal values in the intercultural linguistics aspect. The language units designating subjects of culture are in the focus of the article. The author considers the previous experience of scientists and gives a more precise definition to the language units.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Foreign student's speech culture formation taking into account regional component

Strelchuk E.N.


This article deals with the problem of Russian speech culture teaching with foreign student's taking into account regional component. A special attention is pained to a communicative aspect aimed at the linguaculturological approach to teaching. The attempt is being made to prove the effectiveness of using various forms of work (both auditorium and extra activities).
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Cours of physics in the modular learning programs for students

Arhangelskaya Y.S., Kosir L.A.


This paper describes one of the implementation methods of modular learning on the Faculty of Medicine. The general approach to the design of modular learning programs is provided. The «Metabolism» modular unit exemplifies teaching methodology.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Use of technologies e-leaning at training to mathematics in small groups on the basis of cooperation

Baranova N.M., Zmushko A.A.


In the article questions of use IT are considered at training to mathematics (computer science, etc.) the Russian (foreign) students of various specialities (humanitarian, technical) in small groups by a technique of cooperation.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Presentation of special lexicon of the economic structure at the initial stage of training of Russian as foreign

Gagarina N.V.


Given clause is devoted to questions of training to language of a speciality: it is offered to train foreign students in a sublanguage of economy and mathematics, at the initial stage using symbols and well-known terms. In clause possible ways of the decision of a problem of optimization of training of foreign students at the initial stage are considered.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):84-87
pages 84-87 views

Methods of teaching of understanding implicit information during of teaching of reading

Efimova S.S.


The article deals with problems of understanding of implicit meaning while reading fiction at the lessons of Russian as foreign, the article offers methods of teaching of understanding of implicit information on the example of reading parodical texts.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):88-92
pages 88-92 views

To the study of the effectiveness of the collective and group modes of work in quantitatively large groups of foreign students

Kim Z.M.


In this work the attempt is made to search for optimal methods and techniques to deal with language material in quantitatively large groups of foreign students.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):93-96
pages 93-96 views

Genre diversity of academic abstracts as a basic for teaching of abstract writing

Kolesnikova N.I.


The article represents author's classification of abstracts. The understanding of genre diversity of the abstracts is considered to be an important condition for effective teaching of abstract writing. Schemes and models of the most actual genres of academic abstracts are given in the article as well as teaching program and some teaching approaches to abstract writing.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):97-103
pages 97-103 views

Using phonetics and musical abilities in foreign language teaching

Рashkovskaya S.S.


This article is devoted the diagnostic of the students phonetics skills, that help students to achieve a level in Russian. Phonetics skills depend on training psychological abilities. Musical abilities have a lot of commune with phonetics skills.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):104-109
pages 104-109 views

Application of the multitopical approach in training non-philologists in perceiving text with professional terminology (preparatory faculty, medical-terminology sphere)

Soinikova A.D.


This article concerns advantage of multtitopical approach to hightlight information and structuring text for study teaching. «The Manual on perceiving (p. I Chemistry, p. II Biology)» is characterized, within the framework of which applicability of the multitopical approach has been realized.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):110-113
pages 110-113 views

Motivation role in educational process on an example of courses «History of Russia» and «General history»

Khegay V.K.


Given article is devoted problems of motivation at students from distant and the near abroad for training at faculty of Russian and general educational disciplines of the Peoplesۥ Friendship University of Russia at courses «History of Russia» and «General history». The conclusion about necessity of use of motivation for its various forms becomes. The most important factors influencing increase of motivation at foreign pupils are considered.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):114-118
pages 114-118 views

Phenomen of adaptation to the professional activity of the teacher of Russian as foreign language

Pomortseva N.V.


In article the concept of adaptation and his value of vocational training and activity of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language is considered, requirements to the professional competence of the teacher of Russian as foreign language in aspect of realization of the integrated model linguocultural adaptation of foreign pupils are determined.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):119-122
pages 119-122 views

The principle of the harmony system of the Arabic music

Odeh Rishmavi -.


This publication about the interrelation system of sounds and laws governing the contemporary harmony and theory of the Arabic music.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):123-126
pages 123-126 views

Vocal genre thumri of north india from 1870 to 1920

Kartashova T.V.


In Hindustani music tradition thumri belongs to the category of light classical (or semi-classical) music. It is considered as a result of interaction between aesthetical principles of Hindustani classical vocal music and traditional local forms of Uttar-Pradesh. In articles the period 1870-1920, named as «transitive», when the genre bandish thumri started to be transformed to modern style bol-banao thumri is considered. Also the major performing schools thumri are marked, their most outstanding representatives and styles thumri on a boundary of centuries are revealed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):127-133
pages 127-133 views

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Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2009;(3):134-136
pages 134-136 views