Cours of physics in the modular learning programs for students
- Authors: Arhangelskaya YS1, Kosir LA1
- KSA n. Maymonid
- Issue: No 3 (2009)
- Pages: 74-78
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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This paper describes one of the implementation methods of modular learning on the Faculty of Medicine. The general approach to the design of modular learning programs is provided. The «Metabolism» modular unit exemplifies teaching methodology.
About the authors
Y S Arhangelskaya
KSA n. MaymonidКафедра биофизики; КГА им. Маймонида; KSA n. Maymonid
L A Kosir
KSA n. MaymonidКафедра биофизики; КГА им. Маймонида; KSA n. Maymonid