Vocal genre thumri of north india from 1870 to 1920
- Authors: Kartashova TV1
- Saratov Sobinov Conservatory
- Issue: No 3 (2009)
- Pages: 127-133
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/article/view/1819
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In Hindustani music tradition thumri belongs to the category of light classical (or semi-classical) music. It is considered as a result of interaction between aesthetical principles of Hindustani classical vocal music and traditional local forms of Uttar-Pradesh. In articles the period 1870-1920, named as «transitive», when the genre bandish thumri started to be transformed to modern style bol-banao thumri is considered. Also the major performing schools thumri are marked, their most outstanding representatives and styles thumri on a boundary of centuries are revealed.