
Iron deficiency conditions prediction and prevention in children
Ilyenko L.I., Bogdanova S.V., Gureev A.N., Lazareva S.I., Semashina G.A., Obelchak E.V., Ponomarev D.A., Chepurnaya J.Y.
Vitamin D deficiency conditions in children in the antenatal period from the perspective of prognosis and prevention
Bogdanova S.V., Ilyenko L.I., Gureev A.N.
Genetic factors for development thrombophilia in pregnant
Bondar T.P., Muratova A.Y.
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta isufficiency after IVF
Buranova F.B., Rogachevskiy O.V.
Prevalence of certain forms of obstetric pathology and incidence of their implementation at pregnant women with infertility history
Platonova S.N., Sheveleva A.A., Kuligina M.V., Uglanova N.N.
Use of ozone in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF
Buranova F.B., Federova T.A.
Social and hygienic aspects of dental cases among pregnant women
Kosenko I.B., Sharafutdinova N.K.
“Treatment” pregnancy in captivity dangerous delusion
Zaripova L.R., Galina T.V., Durandin J.M., Zlatovratskaya T.V., Startseva N.M., Startseva T.A.
Regional features of health of the pregnant women living in the Karachaevo-Circassian Republic and Primorsky Krai
Tulupova M.S., Chotchayeva A.I., Hamoshina M.B., Kaygorodova L.A., Nesvyacheny L.A., Streltsova V.L.
The possible role of toxoplasmosis in the development of antiphospholipid antibodies in pregnancy-related complications
Bayati Ali Hattem Hussein -., Zainab Abdulhussain Hamed -.
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF
Buranova F.B.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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