
Review of the monograph by Andreeva, P.N. (2022) The right of the individual to insolation. Yastrebov, O.A. (ed). Moscow, Norma Publ
Krasnova I.O.
Dеmystification of propеrty rights in thе contеxt of thе digital transformation of thе еconomy
Efimov A.V.
The control over compliance with contractual preemptive rights
Ulyanov A.V.
Justification of the right to subsistence in contemporary Western philosophy: challenges and solutions
Shaveko N.A.
Constitutional and legal guarantees for the protection of medical information of vulnerable persons
Kolosova N.M., Mamedova V.E.
The right to a view in Russia: History, legislation and future prospects
Andreeva P.N.
Constitutional foundations of cross-border digital healthcare
Akimtseva Y.V.
The contracts of NGO approved by the government of the country are fully legitimate norms of international law
Dzhantaev K.M.
The constitutional law to information as a basis of institute of promotion of social interests in the authorities of the russian federation
Vechernin D.S.
The interrelation of the right to education and the right to freedom of conscience at the example of the ban on hijabs in schools
Semenova N.S.
The doctrine about state right subjectivity in the theory of state law of Germany
Kucherenko P.A.
Problems of improvement of the civil legislation on the limited real rights in the sphere of land USE
Ivanova A.S.
Sociological understanding of history of the right
Zemtsov B.N.
The right to alternative service
Abashidze A.K., Kolesnikova A.V.
Interlinkages between the right to development and the right to freedom of movement
Buzaladze N.
Human rights and women's reproductive health in the countries of Latin America
Mustafa G.A.
The right to health in international law: history of formation
Belousova A.A.
Role of the un in the elaboration of international health standards
Gnatik E.A.
Legal system of community and its harmonization in the European Union
Shapovalov N.I.
Biomedicine issues in the European Court of Human Rights Case-Law: Boljević v. Serbia
Bukuru J.
Right to information: modern approach in international law
Zabara I.M.
Right to limited use of lands of traditional habitats
Dmitrochenko C.A., Khoshobina N.A.
The nature and key ontological and structurally functional features of the constitutional right to sport
Grebnev R.D.
Ethical and legal status of abortion: history and current state of a problem
Gnatik E.N., Sokova E.A.
Kikavets V.V.
History of development of intellectual property law. First acts concerning questions of rights of the authors
Ponkin I.V.
About some problems of formation of international legal regulation on embryonic stem cells transplant
Guseynov T.R.
International legal regulation of foreign assistance
Degterev D.A.
The comparative legal analyses of the constitutional justice’s role in the matter of forming right for legal defence
Slesareva K.A.
Butt M.S.
Features of buddhist state and legal model in the modern world
Volodina N.V.
The right to education in the Lautsi and others v. Italy case (the European Court of Human Rights)
Semenova N.S.
International procedural guarantees providing protection of persons accused in perpetration of grave crimes from an arbitrary execution
Abashidze А.K.
Freedom of Assembly in the Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Kolmakov S.Y.
International control of national registers pollutant release and transfer
Solntsev A.M., Petrova N.A.
Legal system of community and its harmonization in the European Union
Shapovalov N.I.
Citizenship of the European Union, social and legal problems of its formation
Shapovalov N.I.
To the Question of Improvement of Quality of Criminal Prosecution Via the Effective Mechanism of the Appeal
Shadrina E.G.
Legal Aspects of Medical Interpreting and its Specific Features within PSI domain
Vasilenko L.Y., Titova O.K.
Problem of definition of quality of the government (on an example of coordination legal practice)
Maksurov A.A.
Guarantees and content of the constitutional right to education in the constitutions of the foreign states
Petrosyan T.E.
Tawards the relevance of the legal protection of life at the prenatal stage
Gnatik E.N., Gnatik E.A.
Traditional Values v. “LGBT Rights” within the Framework of the Right to Education: International Legal Approach
Semenova N.S.
To the question of the legal regulation of the activity on the information and telecommunication network Internet prospects
Galushkin A.A.
Legal defense problems of the confidential information in the conditions of scientific-technological progress development
Kovalev S.I., Ivanskaya A.V.
Self-defense a form of private property protection
Bulia N.A.
Planning as a basis for effective financial support of public procurement
Kikavets V.V.
Juvenile justice and the right to education in the European convention on human rights
Semenova N.S.
Conceptual aspects, which have influenced on the enshrinement of the right to health in international law
Belousova A.A.
The European Court under Human Rights and Mechanisms Maintenance of the Right to the individual Complaint in Russia
Mescheryakova O.M., Levi A.A.
Phenomenology of the right to private life in the postmodern epoch: philosophical and legal aspects
Ivanskiy V.P.
1 - 51 of 51 Items

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