Vol 28, No 4 (2024)
State sanctions policy: Historical and legal review
The sanctions practice of modern states is introducing increasingly sophisticated methods of political, economic, trade, organizational and legal restrictions, which constitute an institutional strategy of multi-vector impact on the "target state". A special legal institution of counter-sanction measures and instruments of the corresponding sanctions policy is becoming a necessary part of the mechanism for implementing external functions of the defending sovereign state. The multiplicity of sanctions restrictions and the emergence of hybrid restrictive measures give special significance to the development of effective sanctions legislation at the level of individual states and international organizations. The purpose of this article is to study the normative legal foundations of the sanctions policy of states in their historical retrospective. This article applies comparative legal methodology, formal legal analysis and historical and theoretical description of the formation of classical restrictive and punitive sanctions. The final conclusions show that the sanctions strategy of states is gradually being transformed towards expanding the list of methods for its practical implementation (in the form of sectoral sanctions, freezing of assets, sanctions lists, tracking trade with the enemy, control of smuggling and shadow fleets, extraterritorial influence on neutral countries, “controlled technological backwardness”, application of “moral embargo”, etc.). The authors summarize that the so-called “sanctions war” has become a natural result of the introduction of counter-sanctions in practice as retaliatory measures of the state and the international principle of reciprocity, which means the right to equality and mutual respect between states.

Legal regulation of national interests in Russia: Theory and practice
A thorough examination of governmental and legal processes holds significant relevance in the modern world characterized by constantly evolving global dynamics. Delving into diverse theoretical frameworks such as realistic, constructivist, and liberal perspectives enables a more comprehensive understanding of the essence of national interests and their legal governance. The objective is to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework governing national interests in the Russian Federation, encompassing both theoretical aspects and practical implementation, and to provide recommendations for enhancing the legal system. The study employs various methodologies: the formal-logical method aids in analyzing legal norms and their interconnectedness; the systemic method enables a thorough exploration of international relations theories, their links to national interests; and the modeling method is utilized to forecast potential scenarios and evaluate their legal implications. The article draws the following conclusions: 1) The realist approach underscores the significance of state sovereignty and security. 2) Despite the prevailing realist paradigm in Russia, the liberal concept retains importance due to its emphasis on international cooperation, economic interdependence, and adherence to legal norms. 3) The constructivist theory remains relevant for its focus on the role of ideas, norms, and values in shaping national interests and adapting to evolving international circumstances. The amalgamation of realist, constructivist, and liberal approaches serves as a contemporary and highly sought-after tool for analyzing and comprehending intricate processes in the modern world.

Legislative relations as a form of law application
The field of public relations within the realm of legislative processes of the state undergoes theoretical and legal analysis. These social relations, which arise from the implementation of legislative activities by legislative entities, are proposed to be regarded as a form of legal relationships with their inherent structure encompassing the object, subjects, and content represented by relevant subjective rights and legal obligations. The article examines the scholarly context that has emerged within Russian jurisprudence in connection with the theoretical framework of legislative relationships. It acknowledges that despite the existence of critical viewpoints regarding this category and fragmentation in its use, it holds clear prospects for more active integration within scholarly discourse. The article establishes that this form of legal relationships indeed holds specificity determined by the nature of the activities around which legislative relationships are formed, such as the influential role in political and legal decision-making. However, this does not preclude the application of the construct of legal relationships in connection with relevant legal activities. The concept of legislative legal relationships is proposed outlining the characteristics of legislative law as the normative legal basis of legislative legal relationships. The elements of legislative relationships are delineated and scientific conclusions are formulated regarding the phenomenon of legislative relationships as a distinct form of application and implementation of law.

The right to a view in Russia: History, legislation and future prospects
The right to a view in Russia, rooted in Roman law, remains underdeveloped in contemporary Russian legislation and legal scholarship. The study aims to investigate the legal status of the right to a view, identifying its unique characteristics, methods of protection and guarantees in the Russian Federation. The author examines the historical aspects, the legislative framework surrounding this right, and its aesthetic and economic implications. A dialectical approach is employed alongside formal-legal methods, comparative analysis, and others. The findings indicate that current legislation lacks legal guarantees for preserving views from windows, as evidenced by judicial practice. The right to a view is neither explicitly defined nor protected by specific norms in Russian Law. Nonetheless, the relevance of issues related to views is increasing due to ongoing urbanization and territorial development. The current landscape reveals significant legal gaps that hinder the protection of property owners’ interests. The author concludes that the right to a view necessitates further study and legislative regulation to ensure its protection in today’s context.

Revisiting legal positivism: H. Hart’s 1958 conception of legal reasoning in the lens of G. Postema
The article explores the 1958 “Harvard” conception of legal reasoning presented by the British philosopher and jurist Herbert Hart, within the context of a contemporary reinterpretation by American jurist and historian of legal thought, Gerald Postema. Postema’s interpretation, labeling Hart’s view as “settled-meaning positivism”, posits it as a unity that encompasses both the delineation of distinct types of argumentation in the realms of “core” and “penumbra” (linguistically mediated clear and controversial cases of law enforcement) and the reduction of law and legal reasoning to the “core” of rules and their established linguistic meanings. The article aims to analyze Postema’s perspective in the broader context of the evolution of Hart’s views on legal indeterminacy and judicial decision-making. The relevance of this topic lies in the necessity for a more comprehensive and balanced reconstruction of Hart’s theory, which is paradigmatic for modern positivism and Anglophone jurisprudence, in the light of the contentious and narrow character of its assessments. The authority of the Postema’s interpretation, seen as providing new insights into the work of the British jurist, adds to the relevance of this analysis. The research uses diverse, primarily hermeneutical, methods, drawing from Postema’s paper and the available body of Hart’s writings, as well as the representative biographical and scientific literature. The article examines the historical context of the 1958 essay’s creation and the doctrine of judicial reasoning contained within it. Ultimately, while recognizing the stimulating role of Postema’s re-description of the 1958 doctrine, the article finds some of its key assertions (including Hart’s understanding of the nature of legal indeterminacy and judicial choice, the attribution of “settle-meaning positivism”, and a doctrine of the rule of law) to be contentious or unwarranted.

International Labor Organization’s stance on work-related restrictions
Restrictions in labor law constitute a significant component of the content of the acts of the International Labor Organization’s regulatory framework, serving as vital instruments for governing labor relations at both the international and national levels. Particularly in the context of globalization, digitalization and proliferation of non-standard employment arrangements, these restrictions play a crucial role in safeguarding employee rights and maintaining stability in labor regulation. In 2023 report of the ILO Committee of Experts highlighted issues concerning the misalignment of Russian legislation with the international norms outlined in ILO Conventions Nos. 81, 87, 98, 100, and 111. Employing formal legal and comparative legal methodologies, this report conducts a comprehensive analysis of restrictions pertaining to trade union representation, the right to strike, prevention of sexual harassment and protection from mobbing, challenges related to gender and racial equality in the labor sphere and the operations of labor inspections. The study delves into the experiences of various foreign countries (France, India, Hungary, Finland, Sweden, USA, Great Britain, and Germany) in addressing these issues, and proposes strategies for enhancing Russian labor legislation to align with ILO conventions. Furthermore, through a systematic examination of law-making and law enforcement practices of the ILO, it provides a refined interpretation of the concept of “restriction in labor law”. The novelty of this work also lies in its integrated approach, analyzing labor and legal restrictions within the international and national legal systems of states. This study fills a gap left by previous fragmented research efforts that did not specifically address restrictions in labor law.

Characteristics and classification of intangible assets
The article analyses legislative and doctrinal characteristics of intangible goods: inalienability and non-transferability, the problem of lack of economic substance, intangible nature, belonging to a citizen from birth or by virtue of law. It is noted that to characterise such benefits the legislator uses the term ‘intangible’ without disclosing its meaning, which in the doctrine has led to a discussion about its content: it is about its form (i.e. the impossibility of embodied embodiment of the benefit) or the impossibility of valuation of the benefit in money. The author supports the position of those scientists who disclose the concept of ‘intangible’ from the position of the form of the object. It has been established that in scientific doctrine such a fundamental feature of intangible goods as the absence of material content has been repeatedly subjected to doubt. However, this feature is one of the indisputable ones. The conclusions about the possibility of monetary valuation of business reputation are supported, as they are based on the norms of the current legislation, which expressly allow for the reimbursable transfer of business reputation of a subject for use by another person. It is concluded that the sign of absence of economic content is not universal, applicable to all intangible goods listed in Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the justification of the possibility of monetary valuation of a number of intangible goods calls into question one of their legislative features - non-transferability. Taking into account that some intangible goods can be the object of civil-law transactions, the author's classification of intangible goods, based on the criterion of negotiability, is proposed.

Administrative prejudice and the principle of Non bis in idem
The concept of administrative prejudice, which enables the imposition of criminal liability for repeated commission of an administrative offense, has been the subject of sustained scrutiny among scholars. This attention is driven by starkly contrasting doctrinal viewpoints on the appropriateness of utilizing administrative prejudice as a method of criminalization. Given the substantial and noteworthy arguments presented by both opponents and detractors of the criminalizing repeated administrative offenses, it is impractical to comprehensively address them in a single publication. Hence, it is justifiable to endeavor to evaluate key arguments put forth by scholars, including their linkage between administrative prejudice and the longstanding legal principle of non bis in idem. The aim of this study is to assess administrative prejudice within the framework of the principle of non bis in idem. The research methodology is rooted in dialectical materialism, employing both general scientific (system-structural, formal-logical, inductive and deductive, analysis and synthesis) and specific (formal-legal, comparative-legal) methods. The findings indicate that the domestic legislator does not appear to contravene the tenets of the non bis in idem principle by enacting norms involving administrative prejudice. A generous interpretation of this principle, which precludes taking into account prior offenses when addressing subsequent ones, is deemed unwarranted. Steadfastly holding that administrative prejudice is compatible with the principle of non bis in idem should logically necessitate proponents of this position to challenge several other established institutions and norms that require consideration of pre-criminal conduct, particularly recidivism and criminal record, essentially entailing an assessment of the “dangerous state of the individual”.

The Fairness of Pre-trial Proceedings in a Criminal Case
The article examines the topical issues surrounding the principle of justice in the context of the practical work of investigators and interrogators. The analysis is conducted through a comprehensive and in-depth study of the term “justice” and its origins and evolution. The article presents various perspectives from prominent theorists and practitioners across different scientific disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. The authors draw parallels with existing criminal and criminal procedure legislation, systematically assessing their relevance to the concept of justice through a philosophical and legal analysis of legal norms. This approach enables specific conclusions to be drawn based on an extensive and monumental study of the works of various scholars. The paper delves into the perspectives of participants in pre-trial proceedings and the viewpoints of law enforcement officials to construct a more precise understanding of the theses presented in the article.

Constitutional and legal guarantees for the protection of medical information of vulnerable persons
Theoretical aspects concerning the safeguarding of medical information pertaining to individuals with mental disorders, minors and prisoners are expored in this article. The heightened risks of unauthorized access to such information by external parties have been identified, promoting a doctrinal reevaluation of the protective measures. Through the analysis of prevailing approaches to constitutional and legal guarantees, the article proposes a phramework for delineating primary, specific, and auxiliary measures for ensuring the protection of medical information. Employing the scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and classification, the article discerns the particular attributes of each category of guarantees, aiming to enhance their effecacy. Notably, emphasis is placed on constitutional and legal provisions aimed at preventing unlawful access to medical information by external entities.

Safety of reproduced pharmaceuticals and legal issues of their circulation in Russia
Due to restrictions on importing medicines from abroad, the domestic pharmaceutical industry is shifting its focus towards the development and manufacturing generic drugs - medications containing a pharmacological substance identical to the original (previously patented/registered). However, the issue of drug interchangeability remains a subject of debate in both scientific circles and practical applications. Bioequivalence studies often raise concerns due to disparitites in therapeutic effects, posing a high risk of adverse reactions and symptoms. The authors aim to establish a comprehensive understanding of the feasibility and safety of introducing generic drugs in the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, they utilize a range of general scientific cognitive methods, including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and generalization, as well as systemic, logical-semantic and dialectical approaches. Special legal methodologies, such as formal legal, comparative legal and technical legal analyses, are also employed. It has become evident that generic drug safety and effectiveness in Russia are not subject to thorough evaluation. Analogues are entering the market without undergoning essential therapeutic equivalence assessments, leaving their specific pharmacological properties merely a matter of speculation. The study concludes that while maintaining the balance in the pharmaceutical market through generic drugs is essential, it must be executed with caution. Balancing public interests in replacing foreign drugs with domestic alternatives must be done in harmony with private interests. The authors advocate for a judicial practice that prioritizes individual patient rights, regardless of the country of origin of the drug, since restrictions on the rights of drug’s country of origin, as limiting citizens’ access to medically necessary drugs - domestic or foreign - undermines the fundamental right to healthcare.

The nature of online civil dispute resolution in modern India
The Indian judiciary is evolving at a rapid pace by integrating digital technologies. Under the eCourts project, new digital service centres are being created in the courts that connect the traditional court system and the modern digital infrastructure, providing various online services and also assisting in filing cases electronically. Virtual courtrooms are being introduced, guidelines for litigation conducted through information and telecommunication means are being developed. The introduction of the new Digital Personal Data Protection Act facilitates the beginning of the creation and development of specialized legislation corresponding to the digital age. The objective of this study is to analyze theoretical data on the nature of online dispute resolution in India. Empirical methods such as description, comparison, as well as general logical methods such as analysis, deduction, etc. are used. Conclusions are made about the contradictory nature of online resolution of civil disputes in India. Contemporaries share two positions. Some believe that the introduction of information technology in the activities of the courts creates high risks for the security and privacy of data and the lack of digital literacy will contribute to this, while others believe that the future belongs to virtual courts and online dispute resolution.

Prompts for generative artificial intelligence in legal discourse
The development of generative models of artificial intelligence (AI) poses new challenges for legal science and practice. This requires understanding of the legal nature of prompts (queries to AI) and development of appropriate legal regulation. The article aims to determine the legal significance of prompts and outlines the prospects for their research in the context of the interaction between law and AI. The study is based on the analysis of contemporary scientific literature devoted to the problems of legal regulation of AI, as well as investigation of the first cases of the use of generative AI models in legal practice and education. Methods of legal qualification, comparative legal analysis, and legal modeling are applied. Prompts are qualified as legal actions (legal facts in the strict sense), which opens the path to addressing the applicability of copyright criteria to them. The potential and risks of using prompts in legal practice and education are identified, and the need for standardizing prompts and developing specialized methods for teaching lawyers to interact with AI is substantiated. Prompts, as a tool for human-AI interaction, represent a fundamentally important subject of legal research, upon which the prospects for AI application in law largely rely. The article concludes that interdisciplinary and international studies are necessary to unite the efforts of legal professionals, AI specialists, and the generative models themselves in developing optimal legal solutions.

Legal guarantees for tax obligations in the digital era
The article examines the issues surrounding the definition of the concept and establishment of the content of specific types of legal guarantees that ensure the implementation of mechanisms for fulfilling tax obligations in the context of digitalization. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the relevance of studying legal guarantees for fulfilling tax obligations in the digital age, as well as to define the concept of such guarantees based on their value in ensuring the development of digital taxation. As a result of the conducted research, the following types of legal guarantees for implementing such mechanisms are outlined: the powers of tax authorities ensuring the fulfillment of tax obligations, which are evolving in the conditions of digitalization; high-quality tax legislation regulating the digital mechanisms for fulfilling tax obligations; uniform judicial practice and the formation of legal positions by courts on issues concerning the fulfillment of tax obligations in the era of digitalization; the mechanism of trust relations between taxpayers and tax authorities, which in the digital age is based on the application of tax compliance procedures and mediation as an alternative way to resolve tax disputes. With respect to each of the guarantees, the author analyzes their content and formulates the main problems and prospects for implementing tax and legal norms governing specific aspects of legal assurance of tax obligations during the digital period of tax relation development.