Planning as a basis for effective financial support of public procurement
- Authors: Kikavets V.V.1
- Russian State University of Justice
- Issue: Vol 26, No 1 (2022)
- Pages: 149-170
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article substantiates the importance of planning public procurement, expressed by the legal possibility of solving the assigned tasks in a timely manner by concentrating resources on priority areas. Despite the fact that public procurement planning is designed to ensure effective management at all stages of procurement, including management decisions, insufficient attention is paid to aspects of legal regulation and financial support for procurement planning, which reduces the overall effect in this area. Moreover, public needs in the procurement planning process can be overridden by departmental needs or the private interests of an individual official or a group of individuals. The essence of planning public procurement in Russia is investigated by using the methods of consistency, analysis, synthesis, and the comparative legal method. As a result of the study, the main features that characterize the specifics of planning public procurement have been identified; among them are universality, balance, bureaucracy, and ensuring public interest. Highlighting such basic elements of public procurement planning as goal setting, planning depth, accounting and coordination of public and private interests, adaptation, and discretion allowed to formulate a proposal for implementing prospective procurement planning. At the same time, it was proposed to understand the prospective procurement plan as an independent document, approved after funding (allocation of budget funds), and ensuring the implementation of management decisions within the framework of goal setting and synchronization of public and private interests for the medium and long term. The author’s hypothesis was confirmed that prospective procurement planning is aimed at synchronizing public and private interests, integrated into the budget process system, resource supply of the country, or a separate entity.
About the authors
Vitaly V. Kikavets
Russian State University of Justice
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7931-8497
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy head of the Department of Financial Law
69 A Novocheremushkin-skaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russian FederationReferences
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