Human rights and women's reproductive health in the countries of Latin America
- Authors: Mustafa G.A.1
- “XII ASR” company
- Issue: Vol 25, No 1 (2021): BIOMEDICINE AND LAW
- Pages: 164-178
- URL:
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The problem of induced termination of pregnancy has been a burning issue for mankind for centuries. An analysis of doctrine and legislation demonstrates that there is no consensus on this issue. The problem of induced termination of pregnancy is defined by ethical, religious, medical, social and legal aspects, which is also associated with the uncertainty of the legal status of the embryo. The aim of the study is to analyze the legislation of Latin American countries regarding the legal regulation of abortion, in order to verify its compliance with the fundamental rights - the right to life, the right to health and the right to inviolability. Special scientific methods were used in the research: comparative law, legal and technical methods. The relevance of the problem stems from the need to solve the controversial issue of legalization of artificial termination of pregnancy. The existence of disagreement lies in the lack of a unified approach in seeking to resolve this situation.
About the authors
Gular A. Mustafa
“XII ASR” company
Author for correspondence.
Sabit Rakhman str. Baku, AZ 1110, Republic of AzerbaijanReferences
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