- Authors: Kikavets V.V.1
- Russian State University of Justice
- Issue: Vol 24, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 1039-1062
- URL:
- DOI:
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The basis of legal relations in public procurement are private and public interests. The purpose of the study is a substantive assessment of the author’s hypothesis that the purpose of legal regulation and financial support of public procurement is to satisfy the public interest expressed in the form of a public need for goods, works, and services. The methodological basis of the study rests on historical and systematic approach, analysis, synthesis and comparative-legal methods. The results of the analysis of normative legal acts regulating public procurement, doctrinal literature and practice showed that public interest denounced in the form of public need is realized through public procurement. Public and private interests can be realized exclusively jointly since these needs cannot objectively be met individually. In general, ensuring public as well as private interests boils down to defining and legally securing the rights and obligations of the customer and their officials, which safeguards them in the process of meeting public needs through public procurement. The study revealed the dependence of the essence of public interest on the political regime, which determines the ratio of public and private interests. “Public interest in public procurement” is suggested to understand as the value-significant selective position of an official or another person authorized by the government, which is expressed in the form of the public need for the necessary benefit; gaining such benefit involves both legal regulation and financial security. The purpose of legal regulation of public procurement is to satisfy public interest. These concepts should be legally enshrined in Law No. 44-FZ.
About the authors
Vitaly V. Kikavets
Russian State University of Justice
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy head of the Department of Financial Law
69 A Novocheremushkinskaya str., Moscow, 117418, Russian FederationReferences
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