
Serbian students’ perception of the contemporary media coverage of critical situations
Perić Romić R., Milošević Šošo B.
Sociological education in Belarus: History and the present time
Danilov A.N., Rotman D.G.
Belarusian family in the changing world
Belov A.A., Danilov A.N., Denisov A.Y., Filinskaya L.V.
Pozdeev I.L.
The role of sociocultural factors in social and economic development of the Republic of Chad
Brahim Dina Ali -.
Sociological aspects of alcoholism as a social deviation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milošević Šošo B.Č.
Uzbeks in Russia: Practices of adaptation in a foreign language environment
Pozdeev I.L., Arzamazov A.A.
Features of the basic values transformation in the changing reality (on the example of the Republic of Belarus)
Danilov A.N., Rotman D.G.
The Sociocultural Specifics of Organizational Behaviour in the Republic of Chad (Eemplified by Etnic Groups of Kanembu and Vadday)
Brahim Dina Ali -.
Violence as a key manifestation of social problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milošević Š.B.
Economic and Social Capital of the Bashkir People
Valiahmetov R.M., Kadyrov S.H., Yagafarova D.G.
Sociological assessment of the changes in the development of family institution in China as an object of state policy
Minyazhev T.R., Wei Ruozhu -.
Ethnic identity in a globalizing world (on the example of the Republic of Chad youth)
Bronzino L.Y., Adama Abdul -.
Public opinion in the Roman Republic
Gasparishvili A.T., Zotova L.V.
0 - 0 of 14 Items

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