No 4 (2010)


State Information Policy and Internet Addiction Phenomenon in Russia and China

Tsoi N.A.


According to the State Information Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, its long-term strategic aim is the building of democratic information-oriented society and the integration of Russia into the global information community. There are a number of challenges facing the states in the sphere of Internet regulation policy development. However, the campaign against various forms of internet addiction which are gradually gaining momentum has not been elaborated in detail. According to the author, the issue is urgent and requires further investigation as well as the development of countermeasures.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):5-16
pages 5-16 views

The Actual Knowledge of the Student Youth About the Opportunities for Health-Improving Resources Exploitation and Self-Preservation Behaviour Motivation

Vyalov I.S.


The article helms the reader to the results of the investigation conducted to reveal the actual knowledge of the student youth about the opportunities they have at their disposal to preserve their health and their self-preservation behaviour motivation. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey of the samples of young students of a regional polytechnic training college has shown that in spite of the well-known ample opportunities for health resources exploitation the student youth can experience problems associated with social, cultural and geographical specifics as well as with the level of education.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Legal Culture Viewed as a Factor of Civil Society Development in Russia

Zubova Y.V.


The article focuses on the civil society and its development in Russia in connection with the notion of legal culture. The legal culture is integral to people's social activities and it is inextricably intertwined into the system of social relations as a result of the regulatory control of the activity, the ranking and regulation of the public intercourse based on the law. The legal culture is uniquely positioned for exercising strong influence upon an individual since it involves competence, adherence and respect for the legal standards expressing the accumulated moral and political requirements of the society.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):22-28
pages 22-28 views

The Characteristics of the Preventive Measures System Applied to Counteract Drug Addiction Among the Young People

Khilchenko I.F.


The axis of the publication is the analysis of certain aspects of the system of preventive measures to counter drug addiction among the young people offered by the author.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):29-35
pages 29-35 views

RDS Experiment Online: The Study of Gamblers' Motivation

Mavletova A.M.


The article focuses on the online RDS experiment conducted to study the motivation of gamblers - i.e. people with an addiction to gambling. The rationale for the validity of the given technique for the investigation of closed social groups including the gamblers is provided by the author.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):36-48
pages 36-48 views

The Passive Techniques of Television Audience Measurement

Volfson Y.R.


The challenge associated with the adjustment and overlapping of different techniques becomes especially evident in media research. The article examines the passive techniques of mass media measurement exemplified by the study of television oriented to handle the problem of objectively verifiable data acquisition.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):49-56
pages 49-56 views

The Dynamics of Professional Career Strategies of Higher Educational Institutions Graduates from Crisis to Crisis

Didkovskaya Y.V., Pevnaya M.V.


The article deals with the pivotal stage of professional identity formation of the youth, i.e. entering upon a career after graduation. The professional strategies of young professionals are analyzed in their development based on the data of case studies of graduates in the Sverdlovsk Region. The authors lay special emphasis on the strategies of employment and job search after graduation. The authors draw a comparison between the two cohorts of adolescents: the graduates who obtained employment amid the economic crisis of the late 1990-s and those who found employment amid the mid-to-late 2000-s crisis.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):57-65
pages 57-65 views

Lecturer-Student Interaction in a Contemporary Higher EducationInstitution: Problems of Sociological Research

Narkhov D.Y.


The article is devoted to the typology of contemporary lecturers and students in terms of their value orientations. The problem of classification of the given interaction in a contemporary higher education institution is put forward as well. The secondary analysis of the latest sociological research to investigate the forms and outcomes of the interaction involved is provided by the author.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):66-73
pages 66-73 views

Advertising Viewed as a Marketing and Communication Strategy Tool

Brayovitch А.S.


The article touches upon the role of advertising in the contemporary living environment of an individual and society. The technology of copy preparation (the use of metaphors, humour, segmentations, speech patterns, etc.) is exposed. The planning of advertising campaign, its differentiation on various grounds and the close connection with the globalization process in the contemporary world are also examined.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):74-82
pages 74-82 views

Sociological and Comparative Analysis of The Foreign Military Musical Culture Development

Gazetov V.I.


The article examines the process of foreign military musical culture development. Its main progress trends in the developed countries are outlined. The structure and activity of the military music services of the armed forces of the NATO member nations are analyzed in this very item.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):83-91
pages 83-91 views

The Contemporary Approach to the Study of the Social and Economic Category of State-Owned Property

Ivanychev P.S.


The article offers the insight into the synthetic approach to the study of state property within the sociological perspective. Various approaches to the study of property are scrutinized: the Marxist, the private-public, the functional, the institutional and the contemporary synthetic one. The necessity for the investigation of state property as a system of social institutions is asserted. The potentialities of social regulation of state property are identified in this very item.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):92-98
pages 92-98 views

The Role of Skill Upgrading in the Professionalism Development of the Mangerial Personnel of the Companies

Mikhailova V.P.


The successful career development of a manager in the contemporary context is closely connected with the attainment of a certain level of professionalism. The need for professionalism development entails the demand for regular skill upgrading according to the current requirements.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):99-104
pages 99-104 views

The Sociocultural Specifics of Organizational Behaviour in the Republic of Chad (Eemplified by Etnic Groups of Kanembu and Vadday)

Brahim Dina Ali -.


The importance of the analysis of various aspects of organizational culture which is defined by many contemporary researchers as one of the major determinants of socioeconomic development of the country is associated with the fact that entrepreneurial business underlies the regular development of any regional economy. Despite the existence of universal norms the sociocultural patterns of the country have an impact on many aspects of entrepreneurial behaviour. It is demonstrated in the article by the example of two ethnic groups of the Republic of Chad that the given influence increases in cases when traditional values prevail and many elements of traditional social structure are preserved.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):105-118
pages 105-118 views

The research on ethnic tolerance in polyethnic youth environment

Puzanova Z.V.


The article presents a synopsis of the results of empirical sociological research on ethnic tolerance conducted in PFUR from 2008 to 2010. Special attention is given to the estimation of ethnic tolerance level at polyethnic youth environment and identification of the factors that influence the tolerance.

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):119-126
pages 119-126 views


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RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2010;(4):127-128
pages 127-128 views
pages 129-129 views

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