No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Social practices and human experience (P. Bourdieu's discourse)
The multidimensionality of the contemporary social process is increasingly revealing the discrepancies between the collective and the individual, the objective and the subjective. The underlying factors are rooted in history as well as in pro-reflexive levels of human activity. P. Bourdieu treats them as distinct «domains», i.e. structured realms of positions and dispositions of the activity agents. The «habitus» emerges as the objective-subjective system of group and individual attitudes, value orientations, goals of actions in the process of permanent conflict and transformations within each of the domains as well as between them.

The identity of historical subject viewed as a social phenomenon
The article examines the issues of historical subject's social status in terms of his identity. In this context the topic of subjects' «acquisition» of their identity associated with the appreciation of their unique character, the specific character of their objectives identification and their individuality perpetuation, i.e. means of historical subjects' identity expression is touched upon.

Sociocultural dynamics: the analysis of the fundamental theories
The cyclic model of social and cultural dynamics implies a system investigation of the fundamental social and cultural characteristics of the society in terms of a range of parameters reflecting social and psychological as well as moral and ethical patterns of the society at different stages of its functioning and development. In the framework of the cyclic model of development the explanatory hypothesis of the social and cultural dynamics emerging as the principal «driving force» of the continuous evolution of the society from one stage to another is elaborated.

The phenomenology of the social component in photographic image: social and cultural aspects of advertising photography analysis
Photography and advertising photography in particular can foster both the previously developed and emerging sociocultural attitudes of the individual and thus affect social values. The theoretical investigation of the nature of the photography phenomenon as well as the peculiar features of the advertising photography is carried out by the author. The role of photography and its social and cultural functions are analyzed in detail as well. Special emphasis is given to the issues of social reality modelling by means of photography, its unparalleled powers to construct human being's apprehension of the visual environment and the appropriate patterns and models of behaviour.

Sociological Study of Loneliness: The Problem of Conceptual Model Development
The significance of the problem of loneliness is stipulated by the contemporary state of society. Being the subject matter of study of the most diverse disciplines, the problem of loneliness involves various interpretations. The sociological approach to the study of loneliness implies the creation of a conceptual model which can provide the basis for the empirical study of the given phenomenon. Different versions of the models involved are analyzed in the present article.

The analysis of statistics, geography and dynamics of xenophobic agression in Russia [2005-2007]
Xenophobia is one of significant challenges to social and national security of Russia. In some regions of the country the crimes pertaining to xenophobia show a persistent upward trend. However, the lack of official information on statistics, geography and dynamics of xenophobic crimes blocks the elaboration of regional measures designed to cope with the challenge of xenophobia. The results of the investigations of the survey papers of the Moscow Office for Human Rights over the period of 2005-2007 conducted to analyze the statistics, geography and dynamics of xenophobic aggression in federal districts of Russia are presented in the article.

The issue of tolerance fostering in the Tyumen region: an attempt of sociological analysis
The interaction of ethnic migrants with the local population as well as the analysis of the relations in the receiving social environment is one of the most challenging issues of contemporary sociology. More or less high potential of proneness to conflict which manifests itself in intolerance emerges in the context of interethnic interaction aggravated by migration processes entailing the escalation of social tension, latent and manifest confrontation and conflicts as well.

The specifics of the aplication of social and structural approach to electoral processes analysis
The analysis of a number of problems of the investigation of the electoral process viewed as a social phenomenon contributes to the overcoming of a number of theoretical and methodological obstacles in the process of its sociological cognition. The complexity and delicacy of the electoral process entails the application of a set of distinct approaches, research and description techniques. The article provides the rationale for the most complete insight into the social component of the electoral process via social and structural approach application. The given approach enables one to give concrete expression to the subject matter of electoral sociology at strategic, operational and tactical levels, define the elements of the electoral process, the outcome of the electoral practice, to reveal the invariability of the electoral conscience, psychological attitudes and values of different groups of voters as well as to analyze the evolution of the objective-transforming practice, the electoral activity of the population and to provide the extensive analysis of the results of the material and cultural assimilation of the electoral practice.

The influence of political factors on social and economic development of the Tyumen region
One of the greatest challenges facing the contemporary Russian society is the gap between the level of social and economic development of different regions of the country. The article examines the issues of social policy implementation in the Russian Federation since 1991 until now.

The significance of errors induced by the focus group method implementation (the results of the survey research)
The paper examines the empirical survey research devoted to the analysis of errors and difficulties emerging in the process of the focus group method implementation in case sociological and marketing research. The possible errors hierarchical classification is provided as well as schematic guidelines are outlined which can be instrumental in preventing their rise in the process of the practical implementation of the method.

Individual and typological characteristics of private security officers
The article is devoted to the study of sociological, social and psychological as well as individual and typological personality characteristics and essential professional qualities of the security officers specializing in various fields. The relevance of the research is entailed by the insufficient elaboration and representation of distinctive features, the correlation between the requirements of the specialized individual working places of security officers and personality characteristics as well as the essential professional qualities of security officers of Private Security Agencies (PSA) in sociology, social psychology, psychology of labour and psychogiagnosis.

The role of sociocultural factors in social and economic development of the Republic of Chad
Taking into consideration the role of specific factors typical of lifestyle of different nations and ethnical groups is essential for the contemporary social and economic development in the context of traditional society. The article is devoted to the analysis of the most important of the factors involved (customs and traditions pertaining to family relations, religion and education) in the Republic of Chad.

The comparative analysis of upgrade training systems in Russia and Germany
The comparative and contrastive studies acquire the pivotal importance in the given context. The urgency of the comparative and contrastive studies is entailed by the indispensability of the search for new forms and methods of specialists' vocational training taking into account the world practice in accordance with the contemporary social and economic background of the Russian society.


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